Passing through old pages... Selected facts about development of world anesthesiology




The study is dedicated to Romanian school history of regional anesthesia. The author describes several interesting historical facts that were valuable for successful developing of methods of regional anesthesia at the beginning of XX century in Romania and Europe in general. An outstanding Romanian surgeon Tome Ionnesko made a great contribution in popularizing and developing new methods of anesthesia and applyed them widely in his own surgical practice.


A. Plugaru

Scientific Research Institute of Healthcare of mother and child

Kishinev, Republic of Moldova


  1. Anaesthesia in America // The Lancet, 1908; 13: 1447.
  2. Epitome of current medical literature, no. 107 // Brit. Med. J. 1900, 25 aug. p. 32. The Lancet, 1901, march 16, p. 825.
  3. Tuffier Th., Defosses P Petite chirurgie pratique. C. Naud Editeur, Paris, 3 rue Racine, 1903, p. 373-374.
  4. Ionnesco Th. La rachianestesie generale, Revue de Chirurgie, 1909, XXIX annee, nr. 11. Congres Francais de Chirurgie, Paris, 4-9 oct., 1909.
  5. Jonnesco T. Remarks on general spinal analgesia // BMJ, 1909; 13. 1 296-1 401.
  6. Rickman Godlee Royal Society of Medicine BMJ // 1909; 27:1 535.
  7. Ion Cristea «Un secol de anestezie spinala in Romania; 18991999» Bucurejjti, Ed. Sylvi, 1999, 402 p.

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