Relationships between patient's personality type, postoperative pain and early postoperative period course quality in trauma and ortopeadic surgery




The goal of the study was to find correlation between patient personality type from one side and quality of postoperative analgesia and general patient's satisfaction with intensive care phase after trauma and orthopaedic operations from the other side. The study results showed that postoperative pain leads to negative attitudes toward treatment. The patients who are less satisfied with postoperative analgesia have increased risk of hypertension. The most severe pain syndrome should be expected in patients with low body weight and enhanced dieresis. Personality type affects postoperative pain intensity: highly neurotic extroverts are more vulnerable to pain.


V. Logvinenko

Tyumen state medical academy

кафедра анестезиологии и реаниматологии ФПК и ППС Тюмень

N. Shen

A. Leashenko

R. Rahmatullin


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