Optimization of postoperative analgesia in patients with toxic goiter




Objective: to comparatively evaluate the analgesic activity and hemostasis effects of two non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs -ketorolac and ketoprofen in patients underwent toxic goiter surgery. Subjects and methods. The authors examined the severity of the pain syndrome by the visual analog scale and hemostasis parameters in 90 patients divided into three groups according to the postoperative analgesia (ketorolac, ketoprofen, and promedol). Results. Ketorolac provides more rapid onset of action as well as prolonged and effective postoperative analgesia than ketoprofen does. Ketorolac effects on hemostasis are less pronounced in compare with ketoprofen. Conclusion. Ketorolac analgesia may be considered as method of choice of postoperative analgesia in patients with toxic goiter.


M. Neimark

Altai State Medical University; Circular Clinical Hospital at the Barnaul Station, AOA «RZhD»

кафедра анестезиологии и реаниматологии; отделение эндокринной хирургии, биохимическая лаборатория

Ye. Kotlyar

Altai State Medical University; Circular Clinical Hospital at the Barnaul Station, AOA «RZhD»

кафедра анестезиологии и реаниматологии; отделение эндокринной хирургии, биохимическая лаборатория

T. Ponimaskina

Altai State Medical University; Circular Clinical Hospital at the Barnaul Station, AOA «RZhD»

кафедра анестезиологии и реаниматологии; отделение эндокринной хирургии, биохимическая лаборатория

M. Neklyudova

Altai State Medical University; Circular Clinical Hospital at the Barnaul Station, AOA «RZhD»

кафедра анестезиологии и реаниматологии; отделение эндокринной хирургии, биохимическая лаборатория


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