Regional anesthesia in carotid endarterektomy: benefits and disadventages

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The goal of the clinical study was to investigate combined anesthesia based on regional blockade in patients undergoing carotid endarterektomiya. Sixty patients were enrolled into the study. At 60 patients with a carotid endarterektomiya studying of the combined anesthesia on the basis of regionarny blockade is carried out. Parameters of brain blood circulation, markers of brain damage, condition of the highest mental functions, neurologic complications were investigated. It is shown that for this anesthesia comprehesible of parameters of a brain blood-groove which doesn't protect from neyronalny damage is characteristic, doesn't cause deterioration of a condition of the highest mental functions.

About the authors

V. V. Shmelev

Altay state medical university


M. I. Neymark

Altay state medical university



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