The influence of different variants of regional anesthesia on neurovegetative and hemoreological status of patients undergone surgery for foot and ankle joint trauma

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The goal of the study was to compare the efficacy of three methods of anesthesia in patients operated on distal part of the lower extremities: isolated spinal anesthesia, spinal anesthesia in combination with local anesthesia performed at surgery zone and combination of spinal anesthesia and peripheral nerves blocks. The study was involved 75 patients undergone surgery distal part of the lower extremities stratified for method of anesthesia into three comparable groups. It was proved that the combination of spinal anesthesia with blockade of nerves of the bottom extremity is the most appropriate technique. This type of anesthesia allows not only to quit the pain effectively but also to provides stable indicators of a neurovegetative homeostasis and allow to reache positive hemorheological effects in the early postoperative period.

About the authors

N. A. Murashova

Yaroslavl state medical academy


P. A. Ljuboshevskij

Yaroslavl state medical academy


S. V. Larionov

Yaroslavl state medical academy



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