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Том 10, № 3 (2016)


A product of BMI1 gene, a key component of the Polycomb family, positively regulates adipocyte differentiation of mouse mesenchymal stem cells

Petrov N., Vereschagina N., Sushilova E., Kropotov A., Miheeva N., Popov B.


Bmi1 is a key component of the Polycomb (PcG) family, which in mammals regulates the basic properties of somatic stem cells (SSC): self-renewal and differentiation. Bmi1 supports SSC via transcriptional suppression of genes associated with cell cycle and differentiation. The best studied targets of Bmi1 are Ink4 locus genes p14Arf and p16Ink4a, an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases. Their suppression due to BMI1 activating mutations results in generation of cancer stem cells (CSC) and carcinomas in various tissues. In contrast, inactivation of BMI1 results in cell cycle arrest and cell senescence. Although clinical phenomena of BMI1 hypo- and hyperactivation are well known, its targets and role in the regulation of tissue specific SSC are largely unknown. The goal of this study was to evaluate the regulatory role of BMI1 in adipocyte differentiation (AD) of mouse mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). AD induction in mouse C3H10T1/2 cell line was accompanied with increased expression of BMI1, pRb family genes (RB, p130) and demethylase UTX, but not methyltransferase EZH2 methylated H3K27. H3K27me3 plays the role of an AD epigenetic switch in human MSC (Hemming et. al., 2014). BMI1 inactivation using specific siRNA slowed and decreased AD but did not abolish it. It was accompanied with total inhibition of expression of adipogenic markers PPARγ2, ADIPOQ and RB, p130 but not UTX. These results provide evidence that epigenetic mechanisms regulating AD differentiation in mouse and human MSC are different.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(3):171-177
pages 171-177 views

The monolayer–spheres–monolayer cycle: Ultrastructural changes in stem cells

Martynova M., Krylova T., Bystrova O.


Stem cell sphere formation is applied as a preconditioning treatment prior to transplantation. Here, stem cells (SC) isolated from human subepicardial adipose tissue were analyzed at different stages of the monolayer–spheres–monolayer cycle by transmission electron microscopy. Spheres obtained on a non-adherent surface or through hanging drops gave similar results. At the first two or three passages (stage 1), isolated SC displayed an embryonal cell-like ultrastructure. With increased passage number (stage 2), SC became larger and more electron-dense with a multilobed nucleus, well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), well-developed Golgi apparatus, and numerous vacuoles. At 2 h after sphere induction (stage 3), SC gathered into clusters and formed desmosome-like intercellular contacts. Their nuclei possessed a large loose fibrillo-granular nucleolus, the cytoplasm was tightly packed with disintegrated cisternae of RER, and Golgi apparatus was not identified. Twenty-four hours afterward (stage 4), SC in well-formed spheres exhibited a large dense nucleolus and poorly developed Golgi apparatus and RER. One day after sphere dissociation (stage 5), SC looked like embryonal cells and were morphologically similar to the cells of the first stage except for the presence of a large nucleolus and several Golgi complexes. At 48 h after sphere dissociation (stage 6), SC became electron-dense and resembled SC of the second stage, bearing irregular nuclei and cytoplasm that was rich in RER. We interpret these results as SC senescence with increasing passage number after isolation from the tissue or 1 day after sphere dissociation and rejuvenation of the SC just after sphere dissociation. Further research is needed to determine the genetic, biochemical, and physiological parameters of the SC corresponding to morphologically defined distinct stages in order to provide high quality cellular material for cell therapy.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(3):178-184
pages 178-184 views

The relationship between p53/p21/Rb and MAPK signaling pathways in human endometrium-derived stem cells under oxidative stress

Deryabin P., Borodkina A., Nikolsky N., Burova E.


Human endometrium-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hMESC) under the sublethal oxidative stress induced by H2O2 activate both the p53/p21/Rb and p38/MAPKAPK-2 pathways that are responsible for the induction of hMESC premature senescence (Borodkina et al., 2014). However, the interrelations between the p53/p21/Rb and MAPK signaling pathways, including ERK1/2, p38, and JNK, remain yet unexplored. Here, we used the specific inhibitors—pifithrin-α (PFT), U0126, SB203580, and SP600125 to “switch off” one of the proteins in these cascades and to evaluate the functional status alterations of the rest of the proteins. Each MAPK suppression significantly increased the p53 phosphorylation level, as well as p21 protein expression followed by Rb hypophosphorylation. On the other hand, PFT-induced p53 inhibition enhanced mostly the ERK1/2 activation rather than p38 and JNK. These results suggest the existence of a reciprocal negative regulation between p53- and MAPK-dependent signaling pathways. By analyzing the possible interactions among the members of the MAPK family, we showed that p38 and JNK can function as ERK antagonists: JNK is able to activate ERK, while p38 may block ERK activation. Together, these results demonstrate the existence of complex links between different signaling cascades in stressed hMESC, implicating ERK, p38, and JNK in regulation of premature senescence via the p53/p21/Rb pathway.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(3):185-193
pages 185-193 views

Neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells and mouse neural stem cells on carbon nanotube films

Posypanova G., Gayduchenko I., Moskaleva E., Fedorov G.


In development of methods of stimulation of regeneration of nerve tissues and creation of new-generation bioelectronic devices, studying the interaction of nerve cells with specially developed scaffolds with different characteristics of the surface within a nanometer range is a necessary stage. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), flexible graphene films rolled up into nanosized cylindrical tubes, may represent a promising material for making these scaffolds. CNTs were obtained by chemical vapor deposition. Analysis of PC12 cells cultivated on quartz glasses covered with CNT films using electron and optical microscopy have been performed. It has been demonstrated that CNTs stimulate proliferation and do not inhibit neuronal differentiation of the PC12 cells. The possibility of obtaining neurons differentiated from mouse neural stem cells on quartz glasses covered with the CNT films has been shown. The data obtained indicate the possibility of using CNT films produced by chemical vapor deposition on quartz glasses as an electroconductive substrate for obtaining cells of neural origin and, possibly, mature neurons and studying their functions.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(3):194-201
pages 194-201 views

Tumor suppressor p63 regulates Pirh2 ubiquitin ligase expression

Daks A., Petukhov A., Shuvalov O., Vasil’eva E., Melino G., Barlev N., Fedorova O.


Tumor suppressor protein p63 is a transcription factor of the p53 protein family. It is known that the proteins of this family, namely, p53, p63, and p73, perform a number of common tumor suppressor functions related to cell cycle regulation, apoptosis, and malignant transformation of cells, in addition to specific functions in the development of tissues and organs. All the proteins of the p53 family are regulated at post-translational level due to ubiquitination by E3 ligases and subsequent proteasomal degradation. The expression of the majority of E3 ubiquitin ligases, which modify the proteins of the p53 family, is regulated by the same proteins, thus forming negative feedback with them. In the present study, we first showed that the expression of the PIRH2 (RCHY1) gene, the product of which ubiquitinates all three members of the p53 family, is also regulated by p63. Regulation of the PIRH2 expression occurs at the transcription level by only fulllength TAp63 isoform, but not ΔNp63 isoform, which lacks a transactivation domain.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(3):202-205
pages 202-205 views

The phenotype of peripheral blood neutrophils during the early stage of endometrial cancer

Antoneeva I., Gening T., Dolgova D., Gening S., Abakumova T.


Peripheral blood neutrophils of 123 patients in stage Ia of the endometrial cancer have been assayed. The receptor system and ability of neutrophils to form extracellular traps (NET activity) were assessed by fluorescence microscopy, and spontaneous production of IL-2, IFN-γ, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP), G-CSF was found to exist determined with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Phagocytic and myeloperoxidase activity, the level of cationic proteins, and neutrophil activity were evaluated in an NBT test determining the oxygen-dependent bactericidal action of neutrophils. Topology and rigidity of neutrophil membranes were assessed using scanning probe microscopy. It was established that an increased number of neutrophils was accompanied by changes of their receptor system, aerobic and anaerobic cytotoxicity, enhanced phagocytic activity, and reduced NET activity. The secretory activity of neutrophils changed. An increased level of MMP-1, possibly by enhanced production of reactive oxygen species, reduced IL-2 level, and a drastic increase in G-CSF were observed. The architectonics of neutrophils at stage Ia of endometrial cancer was characterized by altered cell shape and granularity loss. The rigidity of the cell membrane decreased. The changes in neutrophil morphology and persistent hyperactivity suggest the existence of the equilibrium between the immune system and the tumor in stage Ia of endometrial cancer.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(3):206-212
pages 206-212 views

A comparative analysis of serotonin level in rat platelets, serum, and brain during aging

Taborskaya K., Frolova M., Kuleva N.


Serotonin functions as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and takes part in vascular tone, gastrointestinal motility, and blood coagulation at the periphery. New data on a correlation between serotonin level in platelets and cerebrospinal fluid (Audhya et al., 2012) have renewed interest in the hypothesis that considers a platelet as a model of serotoninergic neuron. In this study, using high performance liquid chromatography, we compared the serotonin level in platelets, serum and different brain regions in 6- and 24-month-old rats. It was found that serotonin level decreased from 0.768 to 0.359 μg per 109 cells in platelets and increased in midbrain from 0.260 to 0.439 μg per 1 g of wet weight during the animal aging. The differences between young and old animals in the serotonin level in serum and other brain regions were statistically not significant. Hence, despite the attractiveness of the hypothesis considering the platelet as a neuron model the data on the platelet serotonin transport should be extrapolated on the neuronal transport with caution, especially for the aging process.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(3):213-216
pages 213-216 views

Structural characterization of platelets and platelet microvesicles

Ponomareva A., Nevzorova T., Mordakhanova E., Andrianova I., Litvinov R.


Platelets are blood cells without nuclei, which, in conjunction with fibrin, cause bleeding to stop (hemostasis). Cellular microvesicles are microscopic particles released into extracellular space under activation and/or apoptosis of cells of different types. Platelet microvesicles form the main population of blood circulating through microvesicles and play an important role in the reactions of hemostasis, thrombosis, and many other (patho)physiological processes. Despite the large number of studies that have been devoted to the function of platelet microvesicles, the mechanisms of their formation and structural details remain poorly understood. The ultrastructure of the initial platelets and microvesicles formed in vitro from resting cells and platelets activated by arachidonic acid, ADP, thrombin, and calcium ionophore A23187 is investigated in this study. The intracellular origin, stages of formation, structural diversity, and size of microvesicles were analyzed according to the results of transmission electron microscopy of human platelets and isolated microvesicles. It was shown that thrombin, unlike other activators, not only stimulates microvesiculation of the plasma membrane, but also causes decomposition of cells with the formation of subcellular particles that have sizes comparable with the size of the microvesicles from the outer membrane of the cells. Some of these microparticles are cellular organelles surrounded by a thin membrane. The size of isolated microvesicles ranges from 30 to 500 nm, but their size distribution depends on the nature of the activating stimulus. The obtained results contain new data on the formation of platelet microvesicles and their structural diversity, which are important for understanding of their multiple functions in health and disease.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(3):217-226
pages 217-226 views

Atrial and brain natriuretic peptide in right atrium myocytes in the postreperfusion period in rat

Bugrova M.


We have studied the accumulation and excretion of atrial (ANP) and brain (BNP) natriuretic peptides in the early and late postreperfusion period (60 min and 60 days) in the myocardium of the right atrium in rats. The model of total ischemia proposed by Korpachev et al. (1982) was used. Immunocytochemical localization of peptides in cardiomyocytes was performed on ultrathin sections using the polyclonal antibodies. The intensities of accumulation (excretion) of ANP and BNP were analyzed by counting the immunolabeled granules (types A and B) with a transmission electron microscope. At 60 min and 60 days of the postreperfusion period, an increase in the synthesis and release of ANP and BNP was found. A more pronounced BNP reaction could be explained by the fact that, under normal conditions, the main hormone of the natriuretic peptide system regulating blood pressure is ANP, while BNP regulates blood pressure in cardiovascular pathology.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(3):227-232
pages 227-232 views

Characteristics of morphological differences of detergent-resistant membrane domains isolated from different cells and investigated by atomic force microscopy

Pleskova S., Aybeke E., Bourillot E., Lesniewska E.


Planar rafts and caveolae are specific membrane clusters that contain high concentrations of cholesterol and lipids consisting of saturated fatty acids. These clusters are resistant to detergents and are known as “detergent-resistant membrane domains” (DRMs). Their morphology and size were studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Planar rafts extracted by Lubrol WX from monocytes of healthy donors are 150.6 ± 68.6 nm in diameter and 5.7 ± 2.9 nm in height, while caveolae are 87.3 ± 46.1 nm in diameter and 9.4 ± 5.4 nm in height. Significant differences in size and morphology were found between DRMs isolated from monocytes of healthy donors and patients with myocardial infarction, as well as between DRMs of monocytes and endothelial cells. The morphology dynamics of the isolated planar rafts and caveolae indicates that they quickly aggregate during storage; therefore, in order to assess the actual DRM size and morphology it is necessary to investigate them immediately after isolation.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(3):233-241
pages 233-241 views

Cultivation of boar spermatogonia on Sertoli cells

Savchenkova I., Vasileva S.


We studied the in vitro effect of Sertoli cells on boar spermatogonia isolated from the testes of 60-day-old crossbred boars. In order to enrich the culture with spermatogonia, the cells were purified by density gradient centrifugation with the use of Percoll gradient followed by separation based on adhesive capacities of cells. We found lipid drops stained by Oil Red O in Sertoli cells. The experiments showed that the cultivation of boar spermatogonia in the presence of Sertoli cells (for up to 35 days) provide the same way of differentiation as in testes in natural conditions. After 10 days of cultivation, spermatogenic cells form groups, chains, and suspension clusters. By this time, spermatogenic colonies are formed; we analyzed the expression of Nanog and Plzf genes in these colonies by real-time PCR. The expression rate of Nanog gene in experimental cell clones obtained by the short-term cultivation of spermatogonia cells in the presence of Sertoli cells was 200 times higher than in freshly isolated spermatogonia cells. The product of Plzf gene expression was found both in freshly isolated spermatogenic cells and in cell clones obtained in vitro. After long-term cultivation of spermatogonia on Sertoli cells, we observed in vitro differentiation to the lineage of spermatogenesis and formation of separate motile sperm cells after 30–33 days. At this stage, the cell population was heterogeneous. In the absence of Sertoli cells, the differentiation of boar spermatogonia cells in culture stopped after 7 days of cultivation. The data show that the cultivation of boar spermatogonia cells on Sertoli cells contributes to their in vitro differentiation to the lineage of spermatogenesis and can help to obtain boar sperm cell culture.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(3):242-249
pages 242-249 views

The effect of acid rain on ultrastructure and functional parameters of photosynthetic apparatus in pea leaves

Polishchuk O., Vodka M., Belyavskaya N., Khomochkin A., Zolotareva E.


The ultrastructure and functional parameters of the photosynthetic apparatus in leaves of 14-day-old pea seedlings were studied in conditions of laboratory simulated acid rain (SAR). Pea seedlings were sprayed with an aqueous solution containing NaNO3 (0.2 mM) and Na2SO4 (0.2 mM) (pH 5.6, a control variant), or with the same solution, which was acidified to pH 2.5 (acid variant). Functional characteristics were determined by chlorophyll fluorescence analysis. There was reduction in the efficiency of the photosynthetic electron transport by 25% accompanied by an increase in the quantum yield of thermal dissipation of excess light quanta by 85% without significant change in maximum quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm). Ultrastructural changes in chloroplasts were revealed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) 2 days after the SAR treatment of pea leaves. In this case, changes in the structure of the grana and heterogeneity of the thylakoids packing in the granum, namely, an increase in thylakoid intraspace widths and thickness of granal thylakoids compared to the control, were found. It was shown also that carbonic anhydrase activity was significantly inhibited in chloroplast preparations isolated from SAR-treated pea leaves. We hypothesize possible involvement of chloroplast carbonic anhydrase in thylakoid granal structure maintenance. The structural disturbances and the inhibition of photochemical activity of chloroplasts are possible consequences of the carbonic anhydrase inactivation by SAR treatment leading to violation of HCO3–CO2 equilibrium. The data obtained suggest that acid rains negatively affect the photosynthetic apparatus by disrupting the membrane system of the chloroplast.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(3):250-257
pages 250-257 views

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