
Enumeration of labeled outerplanar bicyclic and tricyclic graphs
Voblyi V., Meleshko A.
Asymptotic approximation for the number of n-vertex graphs of given diameter
Fedoryaeva T.
The Second Riddell Relation and Its Consequences
Voblyi V.
The Functional Graph of a Linear Discrete Dynamical System with Two Dominating Vertices
Parfinenko A., Perezhogin A.
On 2-Connected Transmission Irregular Graphs
Dobrynin A.
Tree-Like Structure Graphs with Full Diversity of Balls
Evdokimov A., Fedoryaeva T.
1-Triangle graphs and perfect neighborhood sets
Irzhavskii P., Kartynnik Y., Orlovich Y.
Local primitivity of matrices and graphs
Fomichev V., Kyazhin S.
Complexity of combinatorial optimization problems in terms of face lattices of associated polytopes
Maksimenko A.
Relationship Between Homogeneous Bent Functions and Nagy Graphs
Shaporenko A.
König Graphs with Respect to the 4-Path and Its Spanning Supergraphs
Malyshev D., Mokeev D.
Perfect colorings of the infinite circulant graph with distances 1 and 2
Lisitsyna M., Parshina O.
Circulant discrete dynamical systems with threshold functions of at most three variables
Batueva T.
Independent sets in graphs without subtrees with many leaves
Alekseev V., Zakharova D.
On the Skeleton of the Polytope of Pyramidal Tours
Bondarenko V., Nikolaev A.
Lattice complete graphs
Bessonov Y., Dobrynin A.
On König graphs with respect to P4
Mokeev D.
Graph clustering with a constraint on cluster sizes
Il’ev V., Il’eva S., Navrotskaya A.
Polynomial-time solvability of the independent set problem in a certain class of subcubic planar graphs
Malyshev D., Sirotkin D.
Enumeration of labeled connected graphs with given order and size
Voblyi V.
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