Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and review articles encompassing new findings with relevance to both theory and applications in various branches of industry. The journal topics include the qualitative theory of differential equations in application to mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology, technical and natural processes; mathematical modeling in mechanics, physics, engineering, chemistry, biology, ecology, medicine, etc.; control theory; discrete optimization; combinatorics; mathematical programming; mathematical models and methods for making optimal decisions; models of the theory of scheduling and location; development and analysis of algorithms; graph theory; game theory and its applications; coding theory. Previously focused on translation, Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics now accepts manuscripts originally submitted in English, along with translated works. The peer review policy of the journal is independent of the manuscript source, ensuring a fair and unbiased evaluation process for all submissions. The journal has the aim of becoming an international publication. Researchers from around the globe are encouraged to submit their work in English.


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Том 13, № 4 (2019)


The Duhamel Method in the Inverse Problems for Hyperbolic Equations. II
Artyushin A.

Under consideration is the identification problem for a time-dependent source in the wave equation. The Dirichlet conditions are used as the boundary conditions, whereas the weighted integral of the conormal derivative of the solution over the boundary of the spatial domain serves as the overdetermination condition. Using the Duhamel method, the problem is reduced to the Volterra integral equation of the first and then the second kind. These results are applied to studying nonlinear coefficient problems. The existence and uniqueness of a local solution is proved by the contraction mapping principle.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(4):585-599
pages 585-599 views
Maximum Intersection of Linear Codes and Codes Equivalent to Linear
Avgustinovich S., Gorkunov E.

We consider linear codes in a space over a finite field with the Hamming metric. A code is called pseudolinear if it is the image of a linear code under an isometric transformation of the space. We derive an upper bound (q - 2)M/q attainable for q ⩾ 3 for the size of the intersection of two different pseudolinear codes of the same size M.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(4):600-605
pages 600-605 views
Structure of the Phase Portrait of a Piecewise-Linear Dynamical System
Ayupova N., Golubyatnikov V.

We consider some piecewise linear 4-dimensional dynamical system that models a gene network regulated by one negative feedback and three positive feedbacks. Glass and Pasternack described the conditions for the existence of a stable cycle in this model. We construct an invariant piecewise linear surface with nontrivial link with the Glass-Pasternack cycle outside the attraction domain of this stable cycle in the phase portrait of this system.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(4):606-611
pages 606-611 views
A Bilevel “Attacker-Defender” Model to Choosing the Composition of Attack Means
Beresnev V., Melnikov A.

We consider a bilevel model of estimating the costs of the attacking party (the Attacker) for a successful attack of a given set of objects protected by the other party (the Defender). The Attacker and the Defender have multiple means to, correspondingly, attack and protect the objects, and the Attacker’s costs depend on the Defender’s means of protection. The model under consideration is based on the Stackelberg game, where the Attacker aims to successfully attack the objects with the least costs, while the Defender maximizes the Attacker’s losses committing some limited budget. Formally, the “Attacker—Defender” model can be written as a bilevel mixed-integer program. The particularity of the problem is that the feasibility of the upper-level solution depends on all lower-level optimal solutions. To compute an optimal solution of the bilevel problem under study, we suggest some algorithm that splits the feasible region of the problem into subsets and reducing the problem to a sequence of bilevel subproblems. Specificity of feasible regions of these subproblems allows us to reduce them to common mixed-integer programming problems of two types.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(4):612-622
pages 612-622 views
An Inverse Problem for the System of Viscoelasticity Equations in Homogeneous Anisotropic Media
Durdiev U.

Under study is the problem of reconstructing the memory function of a. viscoelastic medium from the system of viscoelastic equations for a. homogeneous anisotropic medium. As additional information, the Fourier image of the displacement vector with respect to the spatial variables for the values V0# 0 of the transformation parameter is given. It is demonstrated that, provided the data of the problem satisfy some conditions of agreement and smoothness, the solution of the problem is uniquely determined in the class of continuous functions and depends continuously on the given functions.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(4):623-628
pages 623-628 views
On the Equilibrium of a Two-Layer Elastic Structure with a Crack
Fankina I.

Under study is some problem concerning the equilibrium of a two-layer structure whose layers are some elastic plates. The upper layer is glued to the lower one along a part of the edge. The behavior of the plates is modelled in the framework of the plane theory of elasticity. Along the gluing line in the lower layer, there is a crack crossing the external boundary at zero angle. On the crack faces, the nonlinear boundary conditions are imposed that exclude their mutual penetration. The solvability of the equilibrium problem is considered as well as the behavior of the solution in the case when the elasticity moduli of upper plate tend to zero or to infinity.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(4):629-641
pages 629-641 views
Creep and Plastic Flow in a Rotating Cylinder with a Rigid Inclusion
Firsov S., Prokudin A., Burenin A.

Under study is the process of producing irreversible deformations in a rotating cylinder of a material with elastic, viscous, and plastic properties. It is assumed that, before the prescribed maximum angular velocity is reached, the cylinder with a rigid inclusion rotates with acceleration and after that, with deceleration. As the inertial forces change, the irreversible deformations initially grow as creep deformations, and, as the angular velocity increases and the stress states reach the yield surface, some plastic flow region originates and develops. Thereafter, an elastoplastic unloading boundary emerges: The plastic flow region decreases as this boundary surface moves across the volume. The elastoplastic boundaries turn out to be the place where the mechanism is turned on (or off) of fast and intensive production of irreversible deformations (the plastic flow). The results of simulation of the time-varying deformations and stresses, including the residual stresses and their relaxation, are presented and discussed.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(4):642-652
pages 642-652 views
On the Global Implicit Criterion of a Fracture Propagation Under Mixed Load
Lapin V., Fomina A.

Validation is carried out of the previously proposed implicit criterion for choosing the direction of a fracture propagation under the complex loading characterized by the presence of all three modes of the stress intensity factors KI, KII, and KIII. The criterion is based on the principle of local symmetry according to which the fracture propagates in the direction providing the zero values of the factors of both mixed modes KII and KIII. Since in the general case the two conditions cannot be satisfied simultaneously, the criterion is formulated as a minimization problem for a functional that contains the sum of the values of the mixed modes integrated along the entire front of the fracture. The formulation of the criterion includes some parameter that describes the effect of each of the mixed modes; the value of this parameter should be chosen by using the experimental data. Based on two fracture propagation experiments with complex mixed loading, validation of the criterion is carried out and some estimates are given for the interval of the best value of the weight parameter.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(4):653-662
pages 653-662 views
Self-Sustained Oscillations on the Back Branch of the Inverse Hysteresis in a Mathematical Model of Catalytic CO Oxidation over Palladium
Lashina E., Chumakova N., Chumakov G.

Under study is the mathematical model describing the inverse temperature hysteresis as well as the self-sustained oscillations in the CO oxidation over a palladium catalyst in an chemical stirred tank reactor (CSTR). We consider the reaction dynamics under temperature-programmed conditions: At first, the temperature T of the CSTR monotonically increases (due to outside heating) and then it decreases to the initial value. As the temperature goes up, on the surface and in the bulk of the catalyst two palladium oxide forms appear and then, while the temperature decreases, the catalyst reduces to its original state. The mathematical model of nonstatinary processes in such a CSTR is the piecewise continuous system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODE), i.e, a discrete-continuous system. Using the theory of dynamical systems and bifurcation theory as well as numerical methods, we study the structure of the maximal families of the steady states and periodic solutions in dependence on temperature. For the system under study some sufficient conditions are given under which an inverse hysteresis is observed on the dependence of the conversion of the main reagent versus T. Moreover, as temperature decreases, there are self-oscillations of the reaction rate and CO conversion on the lower back branch of the hysteresis. The parameters of the model are found such that the experimental data are qualitatively described.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(4):663-671
pages 663-671 views
Iterative Approach to Solving Boundary Integral Equations in the Two-Dimensional Vortex Methods of Computational Hydrodynamics
Mikhailov E., Marchevskii I., Kuzmina K.

Under consideration are the issues of numerical solution of a. boundary integral equation describing the vorticity generation process on the streamlined airfoils in meshless vortex methods. The traditional approach based on the quadrature method leads to the necessity of solving a. system of linear algebraic equations with dense matrix. If we consider the system of airfoils moving relative to one another, this procedure has to be performed at each time step of the calculation, and its high computational complexity significantly reduces the efficiency of vortex methods. The transition from the traditional approach expressed by an integral equation of the first kind to an approach with the integral equation of the second kind makes it possible to apply the simple-iteration method for numerical solving the boundary integral equation. By examples of some model problems, we demonstrate that the iterative approach allows reducing the computational complexity of the problem by tens to hundreds times while providing an acceptable accuracy of the approximate solution.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(4):672-684
pages 672-684 views
On Equilibrium of the Elastic Bodies with Cracks Crossing Thin Inclusions
Nikolaeva N.

Under study is the equilibrium problem of a two-dimensional elastic body with a crack crossing a thin rigid inclusion at some point. Nonpenetration conditions in the form of inequalities are put on the crack faces and at the intersection point of the crack with the rigid inclusion. The equilibrium problem of an elastic body with a crack crossing a thin elastic inclusion is also considered. The theorems of unique solvability of these problems are proved, and some complete systems of boundary conditions are obtained. The equivalence of the two formulations, variational and differential, is examined. We establish that the limit transition with respect to the rigidity parameter in the problems on the equilibrium of an elastic body with an elastic inclusion leads to the equilibrium problem of an elastic body with a rigid inclusion.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(4):685-697
pages 685-697 views
On the Properties of the Symbols of One Class of Hypoelliptic Equations
Petrosyan H.

We consider regular hypoelliptic operators and study some properties of completely regular polyhedra. Basing on the obtained properties, we find an upper bound for the functional dimension of the solution spaces of hypoelliptic equations.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(4):698-705
pages 698-705 views
Complexity of Cyclic Job Shop Scheduling Problems for Identical Jobs with No-Wait Constraints
Romanova A., Servakh V.

We consider the cyclic job shop problem with no-wait constraints which consists in minimizing the cycle time. We assume that a single product is produced on a few machines. A job is processed by performing a given set of operations in a predetermined sequence. Each operation can be performed on exactly one machine. We consider the problem of minimization the cycle time with no-wait constraints between some pairs of sequential operations and investigate the complexity of the problem and some of its subproblems. In general, the problem is proved to be strongly NP-hard. In the case when the job is processed without downtime between operations, polynomial solvability is proved and the two algorithms are proposed. Also we develop an algorithm for the general case which is pseudopolynomial if the number of admissible downtime is fixed. The case of a single no-wait constraint is polynomially solvable. The problem with two no-wait constraints becomes NP-hard. We found effectively solvable cases and propose the corresponding algorithms.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(4):706-716
pages 706-716 views
On the Perfectness of Minimal Regular Partitions of the Edge Set of the n-Dimensional Cube
Rychkov K.

We prove that, for n equal to 3, 5, and a power of 2, every minimal partition of the edge set of the n-dimensional cube is perfect. As a consequence, we obtain some description of the classes of all minimal parallel-serial contact schemes (π-schemes) realizing the linear Boolean functions that depend essentially on n variables for the corresponding values of n.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(4):717-739
pages 717-739 views
New Solutions of Dynamical Equations of Ideal Plasticity
Senashov S., Savostyanova I.

Point symmetries allowed by plasticity equations in the dynamical case are used to construct solutions for the dynamical equations of ideal plasticity. These symmetries make it possible to convert the exact solutions of stationary dynamical equations to nonstationary solutions. The so-constructed solutions include arbitrary functions of time. The solutions allow us to describe the plastic flow between the plates changing their shape under the action of dynamical loads. Some new spatial self-similar solution is also presented.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(4):740-745
pages 740-745 views
On a Relation Between the Depth and Complexity of Monotone Boolean Formulas
Sergeev I.

We present a sequence of monotone Boolean functions whose depth over the basis {∧, ∨} is c > 1.06 times greater than the logarithm of the formula complexity.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(4):746-752
pages 746-752 views
Relationship Between Homogeneous Bent Functions and Nagy Graphs
Shaporenko A.

We study the relationship between homogeneous bent functions and some intersection graphs of a special type that are called Nagy graphs and denoted by Γ(n,k). The graph Γ(n,k) is the graph whose vertices correspond to (nk) unordered subsets of size k of the set 1,..., n. Two vertices of Γ(n,k) are joined by an edge whenever the corresponding k-sets have exactly one common element. Those n and k for which the cliques of size k + 1 are maximal in Γ(n,k) are identified. We obtain a formula for the number of cliques of size k + 1 in Γ(n,k) for n = (k + 1)k/2. We prove that homogeneous Boolean functions of 10 and 28 variables obtained by taking the complement to the cliques of maximal size in Γ(10,4) and Γ(28,7) respectively are not bent functions.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(4):753-758
pages 753-758 views
An Implicit Iterative Method for Numerical Solution of the Cauchy Problem for Elliptic Equations
Sorokin S.

We propose and study some implicit gradient two-layer iterative method for numerical solution of the Cauchy problem for elliptic equations. The results of computational experiments are presented.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(4):759-770
pages 759-770 views
Undominatedness of Equilibria in a Mixed Economy of Arrow—Debreu Type
Vasil’ev V.

We consider a model of economy with two markets for each product: one—state and the other—competitive. Moreover, both markets coexist in the same economic space allowing free movement of goods and means of payment. In particular, it is assumed that the surplus of products purchased at fixed state prices can be sold at free prices of the competitive market. The important feature of the model is that the manufacturing activity is taken into account both in the state and in the competitive market. While most literature on mixed economies is devoted to the issues of existence and Pareto optimality of equilibria, the focus of the present paper is on analyzing their coalition stability. We continue studying the fuzzy cores of mixed economic models of Arrow—Debreu type which was started earlier for the case of high free market prices. New conditions are established for the coincidence of the sets of undominated and equilibrium allocations, covering the cases of low equilibrium prices for some of the products.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(4):771-785
pages 771-785 views

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