Genome editing and the status of the human embryo in vitro





Introduction. The article discusses the nature of the next challenge faced by Russian society in connection with the development of genomic technologies. It is noted that the emergence of human embryo genome editing technology has brought to life proposals for its legal regulation, but insufficient attention is still paid to the issue of the status of the embryo. Theoretical analysis. The recent emergence of the technology of human embryo genome editing makes the issue of the status of the embryo in vitro relevant. The complexity of its solution stems from the legacy of the Soviet era, which legalized a woman’s right to abortion and the possibility of unimpeded medical intervention in the life of a child long before its birth. It appears that over time a solution to this issue could be found. The basis for this could be the convergence of the positions of scientists and representatives of the Orthodox Church on the issue of the beginning of human life, as well as proposals from lawyers to reform the system of legislation in those parts that relate to the protection of the rights of a child before its birth and the definition of the status of the embryo as a special legal phenomenon. Conclusions. A solution to the issue of in vitro embryo status can be achieved by bringing together all groups of the expert community.


Dmitry Mikhel

Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

Prospect Vernadskogo, 82, Moscow, 119571, Russia

Oleg Reznik

First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Peterburg

6-8 Lev Tolstoy St., St. Petersburg 197022, Russia


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