Healthy lifestyle: Philosophical dimension





Introduction. The article deals with the issue of “healthy lifestyle” as a multidimensional phenomenon that requires complexity in the research process, and also substantiates the need to overcome the limitations of private scientifi c methodology. Philosophical understanding of the problem of health and the phenomenon of a healthy lifestyle is carried out in the modern context of the development of knowledge. Theoretical analysis. To substantiate the integrity, the intellectual potential of the philosophical tradition is involved, a critical analysis of the one-dimensionality of natural-scientifi c ideas about the corporeality of a person is carried out. The multifunctionality of a healthy lifestyle and its integration into the cultural and mental basis of modern civilization are analyzed. The potential of the ideas of idealism, realism, pragmatism and existentialism for the study of the problem of education and human development is revealed. The valeological component of life and health of the population of the country is indicated. The author’s vision of the phenomenon of a healthy lifestyle, as one of the phenomena of social life, is proposed. The role of education in the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the younger generation is determined. The consequences of the application of body-oriented practices as a new direction of culture are shown. Conclusion. It is generalized that a healthy lifestyle is a safe state of human existence. The necessity of creating a philosophy of a healthy lifestyle is substantiated.


Irina Luzina

Saratov State University

83, Astrakhanskaya str., Saratov, 410002, Russia


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