Imitation activity in the field of innovation and the military-industrial complex as a threat to the economic security of modern Russia



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This article considers the current problems of development and innovation activities in the Russian Federation and the need to transfer the Russian manufacturing sector to modern high-tech rails. However, despite the fact that the country's top leadership emphasizes the course of innovative development as having no alternative, the relevant ministries, large state and non-state corporations, hinder implementation activities or imitate them still play an important role. For this reason, there are outright failures in the production of certain types of weapons, dual-use products, microelectronics, mechanical engineering and other important industries in the Russian Federation. The problem of imitation activity becomes urgent under modern conditions of political instability and military-technical risks which infl uence national and economic state security. The article reveals objective and subjective factors that caused high-tech activities to be pushed back in the recent past for many years. 

Sobre autores

Vadim Maliy

Povolzhsky Institute of Management named after PA Stolypin - branch of the Russian Academy of Science and Engineering under the President of the Russian Federation, Saratov

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3694-6899
410031, Saratov, Sobornaya str., 23/25

Vladimir Gusev

Povolzhsky Institute of Management named after PA Stolypin - branch of the Russian Academy of Science and Engineering under the President of the Russian Federation, Saratov

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6634-1663
410031, Saratov, Sobornaya str., 23/25


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