On the issue of digital socialization



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The article presents the reflection on the digital socialization. It is noted that the dynamics of actor socialization in the conditions of digitalization is due to information «challenges» that form a conscious desire to master social experience through online contexts, regardless the social actors` age. The multidimensionality of scientifi c research in the context of socially signifi cant projects, such as, the Gutenberg Project, successfully implemented by Michael Hart; the project of the Columbia Center for Oral History (CCOH), containing an Archive of oral history, numbering more than 12,000 interviews and documentary artifacts; the project of the Russian Foundation «Oral History», which collects and makes available to society conversations on science, culture and everyday life of the twentieth century. The description of the most productive project, according to the author, «Why We Post» («Why We Post in Social Networks»), implemented by the team of anthropologists led by Daniel Miller (the researchers from London University College conducted fi eld work in eight countries of the world for fi fteen months and studied how social media works) is presented. The conclusion is substantiated that it is necessary to conduct fi eld studies of the Network based on the intellectual tradition of studying both sociality and communication, which is an obvious basis for studying social networks and digital socialization, which forms identities through the use of the Internet.

Sobre autores

Olga Romanovskaia

Saratov State University

Russia, Saratov, Astrakhanskaya 83


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