Theoretical and methodological bases for the study of modern anti-utopias: Political ideologies as social alternatives in art literature


Дәйексөз келтіру

Толық мәтін


The article presents an approach to the analysis of modern dystopia as a space for the representation and construction of political ideology. The modern dystopia is understood in the work as a direction of creative thought, which is a cultural example of understanding the ideological and value foundations of modernity, the historical consciousness of society and citizens, as well as possible scenarios for further development and goal setting in the future. Attention is focused on the fact that modern dystopia has a number of its own features and distinctive features, and can also be implemented in the form of “dystopia” or “heterotopia”. In this study, a classifi cation of dystopian writers is formed according to generational characteristics (“late Soviet” – “perestroika” writers of the 2000s and 2010s), as well as according to ideological affi liation (“left Slavophiles” and “right Westerners”). It is also proposed to study the works of writers and their continuation in the form of fi lm adaptation and socio-political discourse using three levels of analysis: the macro level (enclave-conglomerative theory by A. D. Bogaturov and A. V. Vinogradov, game theory by J. Huizinga, postmodernism); mesolevel (critical discourse analysis, content analysis); micro level (semiotic analysis). As a result, three versions of a work of art are formed.: the author’s intention; interpretation of the reader; images, ideas and symbols of the work, which have become an element of mass culture, which have been formed as a result of averaging ideas, values and meanings, supported by the majority and become popular. Thus, with the help of the formed classifi cation of writers, understanding of modern dystopia and the presented scientifi c methods, it is proposed to analyze this phenomenon in the context of the formation and representation of political ideology.

Авторлар туралы

Igor Kuznetsov

Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov; Institute of Scientifi c Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION RAS)

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0274-8728
119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, Leninskie gory, 1

Makar Vanteevsky

Institute of Scientifi c Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION RAS)

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8008-7921
51/21 Nakhimovsky Prospekt, Moscow 117418, Russia

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