The dynamics and features of the transformation process of political elite composition in the region of the transitive type

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The article considers the basic features of the transformation process of the political elite in relation to the region of a transitive, agrarianindustrial type, like Saratov region. The differences between the transformation process and the change of the elite and the so-called "change of elites" are revealed. The characteristics of the structural-institutional, group and generational aspects of the dynamics of elites in the region are given. It is noted that the process of elite transformation aff ects, fi rst of all, such group indicators as socio-demographic parameters, social origin, educational characteristics of the elite, its length of service and experience in management activities. The analysis of the biographies of 67 politicians representing the elite of the transitive-type region allowed to conclude that the leading feature of the transformation of the composition of the political elite of the Saratov region is not a change in its external parameters, but the preservation of deep internal (structural-functional) characteristics. As a result, the parameters of the consolidation elite are approved, which is intended to largely consolidate the tendency to stabilize public-political life for a longer period.

About the authors

Dmitrij V. Pokatov

Saratov State University

Russia, Saratov, Astrakhanskaya 83


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