
Quality of life and overall survival are primary priorities of patients with advanced breast cancer: results of sociological research
Kolomejtseva A., Bokova S.
Antitumor response and quality of life: is there a need to sacrifice? Clinical observation: long-term and safe control of the disease using a combination of ribociclib with letrozole. Case report
Grechukhina K., Vorontsova K., Filonenko D., Tyutyunnik P., Shchadrova V., Zhukova L.
New opportunities to improve of duration and quality of life: eribulin in the treatment of patients with advanced breast cancer
Semiglazova T., Klyuge V., Semiglazov V., Teletaeva G., Krivorotko P., Dashyan G., Paltuev R., Tkachenko E., Donskikh R., Semiglazov V.
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) targeting therapy for persistent, recurrent, or metastatic cervical cancer (Russian Translation of Cochrane Plain Language Summary)
Staroverova T.
Quality of life is the fundamental criterion of the efficacy of targeted therapy in patients with metastatic Her2-positive breast cancer
Semiglazova T., Dashyan G., Semiglazov V., Zhabina A., Osipov M., Kotova Z., Klimenko V., Krivorotko P., Semiglazov V.
Comprehensive rehabilitation of cancer patients: A review
Gameeva E., Stepanova A., Tkachenko G., Gridnev O., Sviridov S., Shestopalov A.
Vliyanie rekonstruktivno-plasticheskikh operatsiy na kachestvo zhizni bol'nykh rakom molochnoy zhelezy v otdalennom periode
Arslanov K., Tkachenko G.
Physical activity interventions for disease‐related physical and mental health during and following treatment in people with non‐advanced colorectal cancer (Russian Translation of Cochrane Plain Language Summary – PLS)
Onischuk A.
The use of hydroxyethyldimethyldihydropyrimidine to improve regeneration processes in a postoperative wound after sectoral resection of the breast
Shabaev R., Khodyrev S., Kolyadina I., Blagovestnov D., Starokon P.
Don’t let it disappear: new opportunities to prolong the life of HR+ HER2- advanced breast cancer patients. Event review of the satellite symposium. RUSSCO Big Conference «Breast Cancer» (online). January 28th, 2021
Board E.
Hydroxyethyldimethyldihydropyrimidine as the drug of choice for the prevention of paraprosthetic seromas in breast reconstructive surgery: A retrospective study
Khodyrev S., Shabaev R., Kolyadina I., Starokon P., Levchuk A., Samoylenko V.
Quality of life and psychological status of thoracic and abdominal pediatric cancer survivors
Mikhailova S., Sachuk O., Sukhanovskaya E., Valiev T., Kazantsev A., Rubanskaya M., Pimenov R., Malakhova A., Babij E.
Can musical interventions benefit patients with cancer?
Razumovskaya E.
The effect of derivatives of 3-hydroxypyridine and succinic acids on depressive symptoms, pain intensity and quality of life after surgical treatment of breast cancer
Volchegorskii I., Vazhenin A., Zyuzina M.
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