Role and place of PARP inhibitors in the modern treatment algorithm of BRCA-associated HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer. Results of the educational and discussion events based on the “OncoForum” platform





In 2020, within the framework of the educational project Talisman on BRCA-associated HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer (mBC), Pfizer with the support of TS Oncology held 4 educational and discussion events based on the OncoForum platform (virtual-platform developed and operated by TS Oncology). 44 key specialists from federal and regional cancer centers representing 7 federal districts took part in these events and shared their opinion on the current state of availability of molecular genetic research for germline mutations in BRCA genes and treatment approaches of BRCA-associated HER2-negative mBC in Russia. The results of these interactive discussions are represented in the current overview.


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  11. Available at:

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