Transthoracic biopsy under the control of computer tomography as a method for safe and effective morphological verification of the tumors of the chest cavity





Verification of volumetric peripheral neoplasms of the lung is quite a challenge for the modern minimally invasive methods of diagnosis. Aim. Application of transthoracic trepan biopsy of the thoracic cavity organs under the control of computed tomography to obtain morphological material with high accuracy and to make a correct diagnosis. Materials and methods. From January 2017 to December 2017 103 patients underwent a transthoracic biopsy of lung tumors and mediastinum under the control of computer tomography. Results. The effectiveness of the study was 96.2%. Complications in the form of post manipulation pneumothorax developed in 8.5% of cases. This technique is safe and effective and should be used in the daily diagnosis of tumors of the cavity chest.


Alexandr Perepelevskiy

Kursk Regional Clinical Oncologic Dispensary of the Kursk Region Healthcare Committee

Oncologist, Division of Thoracic Surgery 1, Eliseeva st., Kislino, Kurskaia obl., 305524, Russian Federation

Igor Kiselev

Kursk Regional Clinical Oncologic Dispensary of the Kursk Region Healthcare Committee

Cand. Sci. (Med.), Chief Doctor 1, Eliseeva st., Kislino, Kurskaia obl., 305524, Russian Federation

Andrey Nikulin

Kursk Regional Clinical Oncologic Dispensary of the Kursk Region Healthcare Committee

Head of the Division of Thoracic Surgery 1, Eliseeva st., Kislino, Kurskaia obl., 305524, Russian Federation

Yuliya Perepelevskaya

Kursk Regional Clinical Oncologic Dispensary of the Kursk Region Healthcare Committee

Oncologist, Polyclinic Division 1, Eliseeva st., Kislino, Kurskaia obl., 305524, Russian Federation

Ekaterina Frolova

Kursk State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

6th year Student, Medical Faculty 3, Karla Marksa st., Kursk, 305041, Russian Federation


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