Lung cancer in the Tomsk region (epidemiological aspects)





Aim. To study the incidence and mortality of lung cancer (LC) in the Tomsk region and to assess the economic damage. Materials and methods. The population-based cancer registry data collected at Tomsk Regional Cancer Center and the Federal State Statistics for 2007-2017 were used. The extensive, intensive and standardized variables were analyzed. Results. LC was the 4-th most common cancer, comprising 10.4% (10.1% in the RF) of all cancer cases in the Tomsk region in 2017. It ranked as the first most prevalent cancer for men (17.0%) and the 6-th for women (4.7%). The LC incidence rate decreased by 19.6%, reaching 29.5±1.3 per 100 000 (р=0.0149). It decreased in men (р=0.0006) but was stable in women. In 2017, the lifetime risk of cancer was higher in the Tomsk region than that in the RF, being 7.3% for men and 1.5% for women. LC was the most common cause of mortality from cancer for both sexes (18.9%), being the most common in men (28.1%) and the 4-th most common in women (8.0%). The mortality rate was higher in men than in women (55.6 versus 6.0; р=0.0012). In 2016, the total loss of the life potential in men amounted to 8.4 thousand, for women - 2.5 thousand man-years. Economic damage in the form of conditionally non-produced national income was growing and in 2016 amounted to 263.7 million rubles. Conclusion. Epidemiological analysis of LC in the Tomsk region indicates the relevance of improving the anticancer struggle with the development and implementation of ideas aimed at increasing the cancer literacy of the population and the alertness of primary care physicians, the formation and monitoring of risk groups, the timely routing of patients with suspected cancer.


Evgeny Choynzonov

Tomsk National Research Medical Center; Siberian State Medical University

Acad. RAS, D. Sci. (Med.), Full Prof. Tomsk, Russia

Lilia Zhuikova

Tomsk National Research Medical Center

Cand. Sci. (Med.) Tomsk, Russia

Olga Ananina

Tomsk National Research Medical Center

Cand. Sci. (Med.) Tomsk, Russia

Irina Odintsova

Siberian State Medical University

D. Sci. (Med.) Tomsk, Russia

Lidia Pikalova

Tomsk Regional Cancer Center

Deputy head physician Tomsk, Russia


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