Characteristics of approach to the treatment of chronic pain in terminal cancer patients




The main purpose of the trail was to evaluate the number of oncological patients experiencing from moderate to severe chronic pain observed by the First Moscow Hospice in 2015. Of 1157 patients who were observed by the hospice ambulance service, 53.6% received opioids as pain killers in severe to moderate pain when second grade medicines were proved to be ineffective. It should be note that 735 of 1157 patients were admitted to the hospice to continue their treatment as inpatients due to various factors. It’s shown that there is an influence of religious, cultural, social, educational, political, geographical, legal and logistical reasons on inadequate assessment and management of pain in acute as well as in chronic period in Russia.


D Nevzorova

V.V.Millionschikova First Moscow Hospice of the Department of Health of Moscow; I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

глав. врач ГБУЗ Первый Московский хоспис им. В.В.Миллионщиковой, гл. специалист по паллиативной помощи Минздрава России, Департамента здравоохранения г. Москвы, председатель правления Ассоциации профессиональных участников хосписной помощи, доц. каф. медико-социальной экспертизы и поликлинической терапии Института профессионального образования ФГБОУ ВО Первый МГМУ им. И.М.Сеченова 119048, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Dovatora, d. 10; 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Trubetskaia, d. 8, str. 2

A Ibragimov

V.V.Millionschikova First Moscow Hospice of the Department of Health of Moscow; People’s Friendship University of Russia

зам. глав. врача по мед. части ГБУЗ Первый Московский хоспис им. В.В.Миллионщиковой, ассистент каф. семейной медицины с курсом паллиативной помощи ФПКМР ФГАОУ ВО РУДН 119048, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Dovatora, d. 10; 117198, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Miklukho-Maklaia, d. 8, korp. 1

E Bakunina

V.V.Millionschikova First Moscow Hospice of the Department of Health of Moscow

врач по паллиативной мед. помощи ГБУЗ Первый Московский хоспис им. В.В.Миллионщиковой 119048, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Dovatora, d. 10

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