The use of PARP inhibitor - olaparib for the treatment of ovarian cancer in clinical practice




The treatment of patients with ovarian cancer remained unchanged over the past years: cytoreductive surgery and platinum-based chemotherapy regardless of the histological type of the tumor. A deeper understanding of ovarian cancer biology has paved the way to developing targeted drugs; the most studied are bevacizumab and olaparib (Lynparza) - the first among PARP inhibitors, which has been recently approved in the world and in Russia. Olaparib demonstrated a statistically significant efficacy in the treatment using supportive regimen in patients with recurrent platinum-sensitive ovarian cancer after successful platinum-based chemotherapy and with the presence of BRCA1/2 mutations and all these characteristics would significantly change the course of the disease in this group of patients.


S Khokhlova

N.N.Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

д-р мед. наук, ст. науч. сотр. отд-ния химиотерапии ФГБУ РОНЦ им. Н.Н.Блохина 115478, Russian Federation, Moscow, Kashirskoe sh., d. 23


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