Experience of eribulin application in previously treated patients with metastatic or locally recurrent breast cancer under the clinical trial




The article deals with the results of the administration of new cytostatic - eribulin (Halaven). In EMBRACE (Eisai Metastatic Breast Cancer Study Assessing Physician's Choice Versus E7389) phase III clinical study, Halaven had been administrated to 6 patients (between 6 and 35 cycles), at that, partial tumor regression was observed in 3 patients and other 3 patients achieved stabilization. Median progression-free survival (PFS) was 15,3 months and median duration of response (DOR) was 13 months in eribulin group, in group of treatment of physician's choice - median PFS was 5,3 and median DOR was 3,3 months. This article demonstrates 3 clinical cases. The authors concluded that eribulin showed high effectiveness and meaningful improvement in overall survival, maintaining the high quality of life.


F Ahmetzanov

ГБОУ ВПО Казанский государственный медицинский университет Минздрава России

проф., ректор, зав. каф. онкологии, лучевой диагностики и лучевой терапии

F Ahmetzanova

ГБОУ ВПО Казанский государственный медицинский университет Минздрава России

ассистент каф. онкологии, лучевой диагностики и лучевой терапии


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