Intensity of repeated disability due to brain malignancies in the female population in Moscow for 2017–2021





Aim. To study the rates of repeated disability due to brain malignancies in the female population in Moscow for 2017–2021 and develop measures to prevent morbidity and reduce disability from these causes.

Materials and methods. The study was continuous; the information database of the Single Automated Vertically Integrated Information and Analytics System for Social Security Medical Assessments of the Main Office of Medical and Social Assessment was used based on the results of a re-examination of female patients with brain malignancies (BM) at the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise for 2017–2021.

Results. The study of repeated disability of the female population due to brain malignancies in Moscow for 2017–2021 showed an increase in the absolute number and percentage of persons repeatedly recognized as disabled; the predominance of persons of working age (63.8%) with an upward trend; the predominance of disabled people of group II with a tendency to increase in absolute number, proportion and level; the predominance of disabled people of groups II–III among women of working age and groups I–II among persons older than working age.

Conclusion. The study of repeated disability of the female population due to brain malignancies in Moscow for 2017–2021 showed an increase in the absolute number and percentage of persons repeatedly recognized as disabled; the predominance of persons of working age (63.8%) with an upward trend; the predominance of disabled people of group II with a tendency to increase in absolute number, proportion and level; the predominance of disabled people of groups II–III among women of working age and groups I–II among persons older than working age. It indicates the need for preventive measures, screening for early detection of brain malignancies, primarily of the working-age population, with the expansion of high-tech approaches to patients, observing routing at all stages of medical rehabilitation with the introduction of modern technologies.


Sergey Zaparii

Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in Moscow

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4636-1130

D. Sci. (Med.)

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

Olga Potapenko

Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise for the Moscow Region

ORCID iD: 0009-0008-3953-0312
SPIN 代码: 8065-5523

Head of the 5th Expert Team

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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