Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin after cardiac transplantation: a clinical case





Background. Solid organ transplantation recipients have a high risk of non-melanoma skin tumors. Patients after heart transplantation are prone to a higher incidence of malignant skin tumors due to intensive immunosuppressive therapy. The most common histological type is squamous cell carcinoma, followed by basal cell carcinoma. These tumors have a more aggressive clinical course, including the frequency of recurrence and metastasis, and a tendency to multifocal lesions.

Materials and methods. We present a clinical case of primary multiple squamous cell carcinoma with metastatic lesions of regional lymph nodes in a patient after heart transplantation.

Results. A 67-year-old patient underwent an orthotopic heart transplant in September 2018 for ischemic cardiomyopathy. Subsequently, triple immunosuppressive therapy was administered, including tacrolimus combined with mycophenolate mofetil and prednisolone. In May 2022, a solid tumor with ulceration occurred on the skin of the right scapular region. After some time, similar tumors appeared on the skin of the temporal region on the left, the posterior surface of the auricle and the parietal region on the left. The patient later found a solid, painless tumor on the left jaw angle. As a part of the examination in the oncology dispensary, a biopsy of the scapular skin tumor, scrapings from tumors, and aspiration biopsy of the submandibular lymph nodes were performed. Histological and cytological studies of all neoplasms showed squamous cell keratinizing cancer with metastases to the submandibular lymph nodes. Additional examination methods showed no signs of progression. The diagnosis was made: primary multiple synchronous skin cancer: right scapular area, stage III, cT3N0M0; left parietal area, stage II, cT2N0M0; occipital area, stage I, cT1N0M0; left auricle, stage IV, cT1N2M0. Considering the localization of tumors, surgical treatment was performed, including of excision of tumors in the scapular and parietal regions. Radiation therapy was performed on lymph nodes with metastases. After 6 months, a tumor recurrence was detected in the irradiation area.

Conclusion. After heart transplantation, squamous cell carcinoma of the skin is common. Usually, it affects the scalp and neck with metastases to the regional lymph nodes and is prone to recurrence. The primary treatment method is surgical and radiation therapy.


Nikolai Ognerubov

Derzhavin Tambov State University

Email: ognerubov_n.a@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4045-1247

D. Sci. (Med.), Cand. Sci. (Law), Prof.

俄罗斯联邦, Tambov

Marina Ognerubova

Tambov Regional Oncological Clinical Dispensary

Email: gostyaeva.m.a@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0576-5451


俄罗斯联邦, Tambov


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2. Fig. 1. Patient P., 67 years old. Squamous cell carcinoma: a – right scapular area; b – left parietal area; c – left auricle; d – submandibular lymph node metastases.

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