Durvalumab in the treatment of locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer after chemoradiotherapy in a real practice

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In 2017 the first published PFS results of PACIFIC study demonstrated new opportunities of immunotherapy in locally-advanced unresectable non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) after chemoradiation (CRT). The positive overall survival results in this trial were received next year. This trial has become the first positive study in the more then 10 years after failure of all trials which investigated different approaches for improvement efficacy of standard CRT (induction therapy, consolidation therapy, target therapy, increased RT dose). The PACIFIC trial has opened new opportunities to improve outcomes in this patient’s population. Durvalumab was registered in Russia in July 2019, however clinical experience of durvalumab administration is still limited and we need to build expertise in this field. In this article we present the first example of durvalumab therapy in post CRT period in Bashkortostan real clinical practices. Patient with IIIB st NSCLC started durvalumab therapy after standard CRT. The complete response was registered after 4 months of therapy and currently after 9 months of therapy it is still remain.

About the authors

Dina D Sakaeva

Bashkir State Medical University

Email: d_sakaeva@mail.ru
D. Sci. (Med.) Ufa, Russia

Valerii V Ruchkin

Republican Clinical Oncology Center

Cand. Sci. (Med.) Ufa, Russia

Olga V Goncharova

Republican Clinical Oncology Center

Cand. Sci. (Med.) Ufa, Russia

Raliia R Abbasova

Republican Clinical Oncology Center

Cand. Sci. (Med.) Ufa, Russia

Fagim F Mufazalov

Republican Clinical Oncology Center

D. Sci. (Med.) Ufa, Russia


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