
Лебеденко, И Ю

栏目 标题 文件
卷 14, 编号 4 (2010) Articles Choosing a primer to connect a silicon lining with an acrylic basis of a dental prosthesis
卷 14, 编号 3 (2010) Articles Computer simulation, prognosis, and analysis of the efficacy of dental kappas
卷 14, 编号 3 (2010) Articles The use of information technologies to choose rational dental prosthesis constructions
卷 14, 编号 3 (2010) Articles Primenenie informatsionnykh tekhnologiy pri planirovanii lecheniya v praktike ortopedicheskoy stomatologii
卷 14, 编号 4 (2010) Articles Analiz raspredeleniya nagruzok i veroyatnosti neobratimykh izmeneniy v kostnykh tkanyakh chelyusti pri ortopedicheskom lechenii s ispol'zovaniem dental'nykh vnutrikostnykh implantatov
卷 14, 编号 3 (2010) Articles Computed simulation of the constructions of metal-ceramic dental prostheses
卷 14, 编号 5 (2010) Articles The experience with expert assessment for the elucidation of complications, indications and contraindications for the orthopedic treatment of toothless patients with the use of dental implants
卷 15, 编号 1 (2011) Articles Analysis of static and dynamic denture occlusion using diagnostic plaster casts
卷 15, 编号 1 (2011) Articles Experimental substantiation of the application of mesenchymal stem cells and modified titanium implants to accelerate osteointegration
卷 14, 编号 6 (2010) Articles The causes responsible for the development of maxillofacial defects and the patients' need in orthopedic rehabilitation
卷 14, 编号 6 (2010) Articles Dental implantation as a method for the management of tothlessness in the context of sociological appraisal
卷 15, 编号 4 (2011) Articles The sensory function of parodontium of the front teeth group at various stades of orthopedic treatment with the use of block and single constructions
卷 15, 编号 3 (2011) Articles The sensory function of parodontium of the front teeth group at various stages of orthopedic treatment with the use of block and single constructions
卷 15, 编号 2 (2011) Articles The possibility to use questionnaires for the estimation of the quality of life in partially toothless subjects
