卷 14, 编号 5 (2010)


A method for manufacturing polyurethane removable dentures in gypsum model plaster forms

Ibragimov T., Kazakov S., Snytkin V., Ibragimov T., Kazakov S., Snytkin V.


A method is described for manufacturing polyurethane removable dentures in gypsum model plaster forms with the use of a convection oven in which neither polyurethane for the fabrication of a denture moulding model nor silicone mass as a backup material is used. Taken together, these advantages of the method reduce both the production time and the cost of removable dentures.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2010;14(5):4-6
pages 4-6 views

Planning dental implantation for patients with severe jaw atrophy with the help of computed tomography

Amkhadova M., Nikitin A., Ignatov A., Amkhadova M., Nikitina A., Ignatov A.


Spiral computed tomography (CT) is currently the most accurate up-to-date method for X-ray diagnostics as a step in preparation for dental implantation. It allows for obtaining optimal information about the anatomical structure of the patient's jaws and thereby for the choice of implants, implantation technique, and methods for the pre-implantation calculation of the amount of bone tissue for patients presenting with severe jaw atrophy. Moreover, spiral CT may be used to detect postoperative complications, e.g. after sinus lifting. It is concluded that spiral CT must be included in the algorithm of X-ray studies for the planning of dental implantation.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2010;14(5):6-7
pages 6-7 views

Evaluation of susceptibility of metalloacrylic dentures to the colonization by opportunistic pathogenic microflora in vitro

Domenyuk D., Garazha S., Ivancheva E., Domenyuk D., Garazha S., Ivancheva E.


The objective of this study was the comparative evaluation of the survival rate of test cultures of opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms (S.aureus, ….coli, St.pyogenes, P.aeruginosa, '.albicans) allowed to colonize in vitro metalloacryl materials that are used for the coating of tooth prostheses including hybrid and micro-filled composites "Symfony" (3M-ESPE), "Artglass" ("Heraeus Kulzer"), and polymeric materials based of monofunctional methacrylates "Vitapan Monopast" ("Vita"), "Sinma-M" ("Stoma"). It was demonstrated that the polished photopolymeraizable hybrid composite material "Symfony" (3M-ESPE) exhibits strong hydrophobic properties, a highly uniform surface and almost complete lack of porosity. Taken together, these characteristics account for the highest resistance of "Symfony" (3M-ESPE) to the colonization by opportunistic pathogenic microflora compared with other metalloacrylic plastic materials.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2010;14(5):8-11
pages 8-11 views

Peculiarities of the clinical course of inflammatory salivary gland diseases in patients presenting with herpes virus infection

Afanas'ev V., Tsarev V., Nikolaeva E., D'yachkova N., Afanasiev V., Tsarev V., Nikolaeva E., D'yachkova N.


The present virological study included 68 patients aged from 18 to 80 years presenting with a variety of inflammatory and dystrophic diseases on salivary glands. It was shown that salivary gland pathology is rarely (18%) associated with herpes virus infection; viruses of the type EBV are most frequently (58%) identified in the affected patients. The cytomegalovirus infection is not specific for patients presenting with Shegren's and Mikulich's syndromes. The presence or absence of viruses of the family Herpesviridae has no appreciable effect on the clinical features of different forms of inflammatory and dystrophic diseases of the salivary glands. At the same time, pathogenic agents of this family affecting salivary glands cause serious changes in their functional activity.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2010;14(5):12-14
pages 12-14 views

Peculiarities of stone removal from distal segments of the submandubular salivary ducts

Abdusalamov M., Afanas'ev V., Magadov I., Abdusalamov M., Afanasiev V., Magadov I.


The authors report the development of an organ-preserving technique for the removal of stones from distal segments of the submandubular salivary ducts. Given the adequate performance of all surgical procedures, the method makes it possible to avoid postoperative complications and preserve the affected salivary gland.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2010;14(5):15-16
pages 15-16 views

Complications of bone mass augmentation in the maxillary sinus floor area

Nikitin A., Amkhadova M., Yunusov A., Amkhadova M., Nikitin A., Yunusov I.


Surgical treatment for bone mass augmentation in the maxillary sinus floor area is not infrequently accompanied by complications. Successful outcome of operations for maxillary sinus floor lifting depends on the adequate natural drainage, maintenance of healthy sinus mucosa, and the surgeon' skill. It is concluded that the preventive measures designed to avoid postoperative complications should include thoroughly elucidated medical history of the patients, careful preoperative examination and treatment of those predisposed to the development of sinusitis, and dispensary-based follow-up of the operated patients.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2010;14(5):16-18
pages 16-18 views

Assessment of patient adaptation to implant-supported dentures from the results of electromyographic studies

Dolgalev A., Goman M., Zaborovets I., Dolgalev A., Goman M., Zaborovets I.


This paper reports the results of the electromyographic study of musticatory muscles following prosthetic correction of the distally unlimited defect of dentitions with the use of the dental implantation technique. The application of implant-supported prostheses is shown to be a highly efficacious method for the restoration of symmetric work of musticatory muscles and formation of bilateral mustication.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2010;14(5):18-20
pages 18-20 views

Comparative evaluation of different surgical methods for the treatment of head and neck angiodysplasia

Korotkikh N., Ol'shanskiy M., Stepanov I., Shcherbinin A., Timoshin I., Korotkikh N., Ol'shansky M., Stepanov I., Shcherbinin A., Timoshin I.


The paper summarizes the experience with the management of 113 patients presenting with head and neck angiodysplasia by traditional surgical methods and different variants of combined therapy including surgical treatment, roentgeno-endovascular transcatheter embolization, and sclerosing therapy. Advantages of the combined approach to the managment of extensive angiodysplasias of the head and the neck over the isolated surgical treatment are demonstrated.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2010;14(5):20-22
pages 20-22 views

Small-diameter implants for the management of adentia: retrospective analysis one year after loading

Pimenov A., Magametkhanov Y., Bronshteyn D., Kuznetsov A., Zhuruli G., Baltabaev M., Kairbekov R., Pimenov A., Magametkhanov Y., Bronshtein D., Kuznetsov A., Kairbekov R., Zhuruli G., Baltabaev M.


Small-diameter implants are used as an alternative to augmentation for the treatment of adentia in patients presenting with horizontal jaw atrophy. The present study was designed to analyse the frequency of application of small-diameter implants to different parts of the affected jaws. Their overall survival rate was estimated at 95.3%. The small-diameter implant survival rate under occlusive load after prosthetics with fixed dentures amounted to 100% within an one-year or longer follow-up period after their application. It is concluded that small-diameter dental implants can be successfully used for the treatment of adentia along with implants of normal and large diameter.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2010;14(5):22-26
pages 22-26 views


Stepanenko R., Afanas'ev V., Polyakova M.


Авторы установили, что удаление околоушных и поднижнечелюстных слюнных желез достоверно чаще приводит к развитию различных заболеваний желудочно-кишечного тракта. Таким образом, слюнные железы являются важной составной частью пищеварительной системы. Их удаление показано только в случае невозможности проведения органосохраняющего оперативного вмешательства.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2010;14(5):26-27
pages 26-27 views


Mirsaeva F., Akbulatova E., Gubaydullina L., Ryabykh L., Galieva E.


The women at the age of 21 to 35 with ovulatory menstrual cycle with intact parodontium and in the case of CHGP (chronic generalized periodontitis) gonadotropic and steroid hormones, the functional activity of salivary glands, the immunological indeces of the oral fluid, the coagulative blood properties have been studied. Revealed that in the early stage of proliferation of follicular phase exacerbation CHGP develops against the background of ph of saliva in acid side, in late stage - to changes in the coagulation properties of blood, reducing the functional activity of the salivary glands, increasing the viscosity of saliva, reduction in AJ SIgA and increase IgA and IgG.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2010;14(5):27-30
pages 27-30 views

The experience with expert assessment for the elucidation of complications, indications and contraindications for the orthopedic treatment of toothless patients with the use of dental implants

Arutyunov S., Lebedenko I., Kitsul I., Terent'ev A., Grachev D., Arutyunov S., Lebedenko I., Kitsul I., Terentiev A., Grachev D.


This article presents results of analysis of indications and contraindications for orthopedic treatment of the absence of teeth as well as its complications using the dental implantation technique based on the results of expert estimation. The well-founded expert criteria provide a basis for the development of standards for the treatment of patients with the use of tooth implants.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2010;14(5):31-33
pages 31-33 views

Systematics and classification of severe suppurative complications in patients with inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial and cervical regions

Gubin M., Kharitonov Y., Gromov A., Kutishchev A., Gubin M., Kharitonov Y., Gromov A., Kutishchev A.


The objective of the present work was to study the most severe inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial and cervical regions including sepsis, mediastinitis, secondary intracranial complications, arrosive bleeding, and acute respiratory distress. The authors summarize the relevant statistical data, describe the most acceptable classifications of severe suppurative complications, and discuss the role of odontogenic processes in their development. It is emphasized that this problem awaits further comprehensive investigations for the optimization of diagnostics, improvement of treatment efficiency, and reduction of mortality from suppurative processes.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2010;14(5):34-36
pages 34-36 views

The influence of acrylic tooth prostheses on the manifestation of short-term IgE-dependent bronchial asthma in experiment

Dubova L., Lebedenko I., Dubova L.


This observation was confirmed by an insignificant rise in the number of lymphocytes in BALF from animals of all groups subjected to sensibilization. The level of serum anti-ovalbumin (OA) IgE antibodies increased after intraperitoneal injection of OA. A much greater increase was documented after the intranasal application of OA but it was not related to the of E-WB and E-SHF implantation; vice versa, the acrylic plastics showed the immunosuppressive activity.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2010;14(5):36-38
pages 36-38 views

Retrospective analysis of clinical statistical data on the delivery of stomatological care in a departmental outpatient clinic

Ivanchenko O., Popov S., Aleksandrov M., Ivanova E., Volkov E., Serebryakov E., Ivanchenko O., Popov S., Aleksandrov M., Ivanova E., Volkov E., Serebryakov E.


The authors studied statistical, clinical, and roentgenological data available for the period from 1999 to 2009 for the purpose of retrospective analysis and monitoring of the stomatological status of adult patients and children attending a departmental outpatient clinic; in addition, the efficiency of the treatment given to both groups was evaluated. The prevalence of caries in the age group of 18-70 years (17242.1 ± 2584) was estimated at 83.5% compared with 59% in children (4517 ± 232.3). The average index of intensity of dental caries in adult patients was 20.2 ± 0.3. The same index for permanent teeth in children was 5.7 ± 0.1. Overall, a tendency toward a rise in the frequency of pulp and periodontum diseases was revealed that was paralleled by the growth in the number of tooth extractions. Adult patients showed a tendency toward an increase of the occurrence of caries and its complications from 70 ± 0.1% in 1999 to 97 ± 0.5% in 2009. In children, the prevalence of caries and its complications remained stable in time; it was 56.8 ± 0.2% in 2006 and only slightly lower (56.5 ± 0.1%) in 2008. At the same time, the ratio of complicated caries in adults and children ranged between 2.4/1 and 2.6/1 The prevalence of caries estimated based on the DMF index is characterized as very high among the adults and high in children.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2010;14(5):38-44
pages 38-44 views

Faulty filling medical forms as a prerequisite for the changeover to electronic health records

Khavkina E., Uyba V., Olesov E., Makeev A., Maksyukov S., Aksamentov A., Khavkin V., Khavkina E., Uiba V., Olesov E., Makeev A., Maksyukov S., Aksamentov A., Khavkin V.


The authors report the results of analysis of the quality of filling medical forms at the Clinical Centre of Stomatology, Federal Medici-Biological Agency, Russia. The frequency and the structure of violations of the rules for filling medical documents were estimated based on a 5-score scale for the characteristic of 11 filling criteria.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2010;14(5):45-45
pages 45-45 views

Estimation of the workload of an orthodontist treating children with labial and palatal cleft

Shakirova R., Bibik T., Pogudina L., Shakirova R., Bibik T., Pogudina L.


The present paper reports the results of the work of orthodontists treating children with labial and palatal cleft. The chronometric study provided materials for the development of methods to reduce the orthodontist's workload by the enrollment of a dental hygienist in the staff of regional stomatological centres.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2010;14(5):46-47
pages 46-47 views

The choice of the strategy for orthopedic rehabilitation of patients with complete absence of teeth (practical recommendations)

Kuznetsov A., Vlasova L., Silaev E., Magametkhanov Y., Garafutdinov D., Zhuruli G., Maksyukov S., Kuznetsov A., Vlasova L., Silaev E., Magametkhanov Y., Garafutdinov D., Zhuruli G., Maksyukov S.


Recommendations are presented concerning the sequence of actions of a dental orthopedist at the stage of transition from the extensive application of partial fixed denture prosthetics to complete removable dentures.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2010;14(5):48-48
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