


In the experimental study, the penetrating power of dental temporary filling materials Cresofen, Eugenol, Cresodent, Calasept was analyzed. The assessment was made by studying the diffusion of colored solutions of drugs. As a dye used jodoin. It was revealed tha t preparations for temporary filling had different penetrating ability. The greatest penetrating power in the tooth tissue from the studied antiseptic solutions has Cresophen, which penetrates to the entire depth of the tooth tissues after 3 days after application, the intermediate value was shown by Eugenol and Cresodent, which penetrated the cervical and apical regions after 7 days, and Calasept had minimal penetrating properties. These data should be taken into account when planning treatment activities.


Tatiana Sashkina

«N.I. Pirogova Russian national research medical University» Ministry of health of the Russian Federation

Email: sas.tat.iva@gmail.com
doctor biological. sciences, associate Professor of pathophysiology and clinical pathophysiology of the medical faculty of RNIMU 117997, Moscow

A. Abdullayeva

«N.I. Pirogova Russian national research medical University» Ministry of health of the Russian Federation

117997, Moscow

E. Mirzekhanova

«N.I. Pirogova Russian national research medical University» Ministry of health of the Russian Federation

117997, Moscow

E. Pustovaya

«Peoples' friendship University of Russia, Moscow «of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation

117198, Moscow

D. Faskhutdinov

«A.I. Evdokimov Moscow state medical and dental University» of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation

127473, Moscow

O. Zaichenko

Federal state budgetary institution of additional professional education «Central state medical Academy» Of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation

121359, Moscow

I. Saldusova

Federal state budgetary institution of additional professional education «Central state medical Academy» Of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation

121359, Moscow


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