


In connection with the deterioration of the environmental situation, the prevalence of bad habits, untimely access to the dentist for the treatment of dental diseases and preventive examinations, the complexity of diagnosis and treatment of precancerous diseases of the oral cavity cancer incidence with the localization of the tumor in the maxillofacial region increases. It is necessary to activate the early diagnosis of cancer at the dental reception and the qualification of dentists of all specialties in matters of cancer alertness. A survey of 176 dentists in 12 districts of the Moscow region on 10 issues, reflecting the frequency of detection of cancer pathology and precancerous conditions, doctors ‘ knowledge of diagnostic methods and therapeutic tactics in the detection of this pathology. Most of the interviewed dentists of the Moscow region consider the full collection of anamnesis and examination of the maxillofacial area and oral cavity in patients. Not more than 10% of dentists (mainly surgeons) reported about the treatment of patients with cancer (precancerous and cancerous diseases), at the same time about 80% of doctors met in their work with cancer. The main diagnoses of cancer pathology doctors note cancer of the mucous membrane of the mouth, tongue and lip; then leukoplakia and lichen planus. More than 40% of dentists do not use clinical and laboratory methods for the diagnosis of diseases of the mucous membrane of the mouth and lips; the most common methods of diagnosis of diseases of the mucous is Cytology and clinical examination. About 80% of dentists in the Moscow region had experience in referral for further examination and treatment of patients with cancer pathology in approximately equal proportion to dentists, surgeons, oncologists in the area and in MONICA (less often MOS); dentists in a number of districts of the Moscow region do not use the opportunities of regional dental institutions. Half of dentists do not fill in the reporting and regulatory documentation in the detection of cancer of the mouth. With a high readiness of more than 85% of dentists to use a new method of diagnosing cancer, about 40% of doctors were not familiar with the photodynamic screening test Vizi Lite Plus. The vast majority of dentists in the Moscow region consider it appropriate for the early diagnosis of cancer pathology organization of dental examination, dental preventive examinations, as well as the use of screening tests, although a third of doctors did not give proposals to improve the early diagnosis of cancer. There is no doubt that there is a need to improve the organizational and diagnostic base of early diagnosis of cancer in dentistry.


Irina Kryazhinova

FGBUZ «Clinical centre of dentistry, FMBA of Russia»; Academy of postgraduate education under FSCC of FMBA of Russia; Moscow regional research clinical Institute. M. F. Vladimirsky

123098, Moscow; 125371, Moscow; 129110, Moscow

V. Ismailova

FGBUZ «Clinical centre of dentistry, FMBA of Russia»; Academy of postgraduate education under FSCC of FMBA of Russia; Moscow regional research clinical Institute. M. F. Vladimirsky

123098, Moscow; 125371, Moscow; 129110, Moscow

A. Kalinina

FGBUZ «Clinical centre of dentistry, FMBA of Russia»; Academy of postgraduate education under FSCC of FMBA of Russia; Moscow regional research clinical Institute. M. F. Vladimirsky

123098, Moscow; 125371, Moscow; 129110, Moscow

I. Lashko

FGBUZ «Clinical centre of dentistry, FMBA of Russia»; Academy of postgraduate education under FSCC of FMBA of Russia; Moscow regional research clinical Institute. M. F. Vladimirsky

123098, Moscow; 125371, Moscow; 129110, Moscow


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