


The aim of current work was study of spreading chlorine photosentitizer in tooth tissues after its injection root canal. Study was held with help of local fluorescent spectroscopy method. Laser radiation with 408 nm letgth was used for stimulation of exogenic fluorescence of photosentitizer. After injection photosentitizer in root canal good spreading in microchannels and the whole volume of tooth was shown.


Igor Shugaylov

«Russian medical Academy of continuing professional education» of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation

Email: prof.shugailov@mail.ru
Professor оf dentistry department FBGSI Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education Ministry of Health Russian Federation 125993, Moscow, Russia

A. Maksimenko

«Russian medical Academy of continuing professional education» of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation

125993, Moscow, Russia

M. Mirgazizov

«Russian medical Academy of continuing professional education» of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation

125993, Moscow, Russia

E. Glazkova

«Russian medical Academy of continuing professional education» of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation

125993, Moscow, Russia


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