


The article presents the results of the analysis of orthodontic status in 176 children 6-9 years with a removable bite in Moscow. The high prevalence of dentoalveolar anomalies among children with a removable bite in Moscow (73.9 %), including anomalies in the position of the teeth (67.0%) and the ratio of dental arches (67.6 %). Significant detection of premature loss of temporary teeth (17.0 %). In the structure of anomalies of the teeth position the crowding of the teeth (45,2 %) is most represented, and among the anomalies of the ratio of dental arches - distal and excessively deep bites (respectively 46,0 % and 21 %).


O. Kaganova

FGBUZ “Clinical centre of dentistry FMBA of Russia»; FGBOU DPO “Institute of advanced training of FMBA of Russia”

123098, Moscow; 125371, Moscow, Russia

Egor Olesov

FGBUZ “Clinical centre of dentistry FMBA of Russia»; FGBOU DPO “Institute of advanced training of FMBA of Russia”

Dr Med. Sci., professor 123098, Moscow; 125371, Moscow, Russia

V. Tikhonov

FGBUZ “Clinical centre of dentistry FMBA of Russia»; FGBOU DPO “Institute of advanced training of FMBA of Russia”

123098, Moscow; 125371, Moscow, Russia

V. Reva

FGBUZ “Clinical centre of dentistry FMBA of Russia»; FGBOU DPO “Institute of advanced training of FMBA of Russia”

123098, Moscow; 125371, Moscow, Russia

P. Kashchenko

FGBUZ “Clinical centre of dentistry FMBA of Russia»; FGBOU DPO “Institute of advanced training of FMBA of Russia”

123098, Moscow; 125371, Moscow, Russia

V. Mikryukov

FGBUZ “Clinical centre of dentistry FMBA of Russia»; FGBOU DPO “Institute of advanced training of FMBA of Russia”

123098, Moscow; 125371, Moscow, Russia


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