


Objective: to determine the peculiarities of the cytokine state of the oral salivary (SF) and gingival fluid (GF) in pregnant women with a physiological course of pregnancy in the dynamics of the gestational period. Materials and methods. In 31 healthy pregnant women without dental pathology and in 32 healthy volunteers, the content of interleukins (IL) IL-4 and IL-8 in the SF and GF enzyme immunoassay was studied. Results. The changes in IL-4 and IL-8 in the dynamics of pregnancy in the SF and GF in the clinical group for the directivity were similar: from 1 to 3 trimester, the content of cytokines increased. In healthy donors there were no differences in IL-4 in two biological media. In the clinical group, in all three trimesters, the concentrations of IL-4 in the GF were significantly higher in comparison with SF. The concentration of IL-8 in GF was higher (10-14 times) than in the case of healthy donors, as well as in patients in the clinical group. Conclusion: The content of IL-4 and IL-8 cytokines in the biological fluids of the oral cavity increases in the dynamics of pregnancy, which increases the protective potential of the biological environment of the oral cavity. Keywords: pregnancy, oral salivary fluid, gingival fluid, cytokines.


Viktoriya Prohodnaya

Rostov State Medical University, Health Ministry of Russian Federation

cand. med. sci., assistant of the Department of dentistry of the Rostov state medical University, dentist 344022, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

S. Surmeneva

Rostov State Medical University, Health Ministry of Russian Federation

344022, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

E. Chibichyan

Rostov State Medical University, Health Ministry of Russian Federation

344022, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

A. Kosykh

Rostov State Medical University, Health Ministry of Russian Federation

344022, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation


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