


The article is devoted to investigate the efficacy of surgical treatment with Er:YAG laser of patients with root jaw cysts. An examination and surgical treatment of 55 patients with root jaw cysts of different localization were carried out: 29 patients were undertaken the traditional method of cystectomy, 16 of them - in combination with the using of “Osteodet”. In 26 patients we held laser cystectomy with application of Er:YAG laser, in 16 cases also “Osteodent” was used. According to clinical and radiological methods, the using of Er:YAG laser provides less tissue trauma during surgery, the reduction or absence of pain response, decreased postoperative collateral edema, shortening of the healing time for soft tissues, formation of soft elastic scars and reparation of bone tissue. The using of the erbium laser is effective during cystectomy of the jaws.


S. Tarasenko

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow state medical University of Ministry Of Healthcare (Sechenovskiy University)

199911, Moscow

E. Morozova

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow state medical University of Ministry Of Healthcare (Sechenovskiy University)

199911, Moscow

I. Tarasenko

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow state medical University of Ministry Of Healthcare (Sechenovskiy University)

199911, Moscow


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