Diagnosis of disease and sjogren's syndrome in a dental clinic




Sjogren disease is the system autoimmune pathology of unknown etiology. It affects the glands. The combination ofpathological changes in the saliva and lachrymal glands and immune pathology is obligatory condition of this disease. Sjogren syndrome is another pathology connected with Sjogren disease (so-called isolated primary Sjogren syndrome according to the foreign authors). This syndrome is additional to rheumatoid arthritis, generalized lupus, system scleroderma, dermatomiositis, chronic active hepatitis, biliar hepatocirrhosis, autoimmune thiroiditis, in which other oral and opthalmological signs of the disease may be presented.


Elena Selifanova

V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of rheumatology RAMS; Russian University of peoples‘ friendship

Email: selifana13@mail.ru
cand. med sci., associate Professor of the Department of propaedeutics of dental diseases RUDN 115522, Moscow

M. Simonova

V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of rheumatology RAMS

115522, Moscow

S. Razumova

Russian University of peoples‘ friendship

117198, Moscow

V. Bulgakov

Russian University of peoples‘ friendship

117198, Moscow


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