A computer program for data analysis autodiagnostika diseases of the temporomandibular stave using an electronic stethoscope




Using an electronic stethoscope and a computer program were examined 45 patients (female 22, male - 23) aged from 18 to 25 years with diseases of the temporomandibular joint. On the basis of entered into a computer program the algorithms exhibited a preliminary diagnosis, then all patients underwent cone - beam computed tomography (CBCT) of the temporomandibular joint using the apparatus of the PAX Reve 3D. Before conducting the study received written consent from the patient. Scanning parameters: current of200 mA, a voltage of 70 kV, the thickness of the tomographic layer is 2 mm, scanning step of 2 mm. Based on the analysis of tomograms was put the final diagnosis, established the percentage of coincidence of the diagnoses with the implementation of our computer program the analysis of audiograms, based on data from cone - beam computed tomography. The analysis obtained by using autodiagnostic data was performed using the computer program «Diagnosis of diseases of the temporomandibular joint», developed at the Department of propaedeutic dentistry SEIHPE SSMU Russian Ministry of health (certificate № 2015662495, the authors of Mishutin E.A., Korshunova K.P., Geletin P.N.). The diagnosis made on the basis of the analysis of radiodiagnostic computer program, was confirmed by cone - beam computed tomography in 38 patients, thus, the % overlap of diagnoses was 84.4%. The application of the developed computer program provides the following advantages: auscultation using an electronic stethoscope to detect audible signals of small amplitudes, to strengthen them and to carry out frequency selection, and the ability to transfer information into the personal computer and its storage in the database allows at different stages integrated therapy to carry out dynamic control. To implement the technique uses equipment that is available for most dental clinics, this method can be used for clinical examinations by a dentist children and teenagers, conscripts in the military for early diagnosis of TMJ pathology.


V. Morozov

Smolensk State Medical University

Email: info@eco-vector.com
214019, Smolensk, Russia

Evgenij Mishutin

Smolensk State Medical University

Email: evgenijmishutin@yandex.ru

graduate student of department of Propedevtical stomatology «Smolensk State Medical University»

214019, Smolensk, Russia

P. Geletin

Smolensk State Medical University

Email: info@eco-vector.com
214019, Smolensk, Russia

K. Korshunova

Federal state budgetary institution «National research University «MPEI»

Email: info@eco-vector.com

Branch in Smolensk

214013, Smolensk, Russia

A. Kamlina

Smolensk State Medical University

Email: info@eco-vector.com
214019, Smolensk, Russia


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