Pathophysiological and histological changes in the vasculature of the dental pulp devitalization




The article discusses issues concerning the study of pathophysiological reactions of the vasculature of the dental pulp devitalization with her. It is established that the violation of microcirculation and morphological changes of the pulp in the devitalization occurs by the growth of sclerotic changes in the vessels. When devitalisation using paraformaldehyde the most pronounced changes are observed in capillary, arteriolar and precapillary levels of the microcirculation. When devitalisation using myskovskogo anhydride destruction of the microvasculature assumes the character of an irreversible process by the end of the first day, culminating on the third day total necrosis of the vascular network of the pulp of the tooth.


A. Sirak

Stavropol State Medical University Health Ministry of Russian Federation

355017, Stavropol

E. Shchetinin

Stavropol State Medical University Health Ministry of Russian Federation

355017, Stavropol

Sergey Sirak

Stavropol State Medical University Health Ministry of Russian Federation

Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, head. the Department of stomatology of the Stavropol state medical University 355017, Stavropol

M. Vafiadi

Stavropol State Medical University Health Ministry of Russian Federation

355017, Stavropol

A. Adamchik

Kuban State Medical University Health Ministry of Russian Federation

350063, Krasnodar

T. Kobylkina

Stavropol State Medical University Health Ministry of Russian Federation

355017, Stavropol


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