Clinical efficiency of modern direct compo-composite restoration with a combination of standard and predpole-marinovannoyi forms of composite




Physical and chemical properties of advanced composites have substantially broadened the indications for direct composite restorations. Clinically evaluated aesthetic effectiveness of different physical forms the chemically identical composites. Based on these results, confirmed by the data ofstatistical processing found that the quality and durability of the aesthetic restoration directly depend on the shape and consistency of the manufacturing conditions, even chemically identical composites with the same size base particles. A method ofmanual modeling standardform composite does not provide adequate quality ofrestoration, and, consequently, durability and aesthetic restoration as a whole. At the same time, the use of the pre-polymerized form of the composite provides a high quality and durable aesthetic restoration, in this particular fabrication provides greater accuracy of the optical transmission characteristics of enamel, compared with the method of manual modeling. The system finished veneers is the method of choice and is a special pre-clinical assets with non-standard situations (discoloration of various etiologies, a significant amount of restoration, restoration associated vital and non-vital teeth, the presence of prosthetic) in patients with high demands on aesthetics.


V. Sadovskiy

Dental Association of Russia

121354, Moscow

Bogdan Shumilovich

”N.N. Burdenko Voronezh state medical University” Ministry of health Russia

Dr. Med. Sci., head of postgraduate dentistry department 394036, Voronezh

A. Sushchenko

”N.N. Burdenko Voronezh state medical University” Ministry of health Russia

394036, Voronezh

A. Morozov

”N.N. Burdenko Voronezh state medical University” Ministry of health Russia

394036, Voronezh

E. Leshcheva

”N.N. Burdenko Voronezh state medical University” Ministry of health Russia

394036, Voronezh


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