Study strenght of adhesive joints composite material and dentine depending on the type processing tooth cavity




The article deals with the penetration of the adhesive in the dentinal tubules, depending on the method and algorithm of the bacterial treatment of the total etching using shearing test. As a bacterial drug treatment we use «Consepsis» and a method of photodynamic therapy. We also compare the standard algorithm for total-etch «Bacterial Treatment - phosphoric acid etching - the application of the adhesive» and a new algorithm called «phosphoric acid etching - bacterial treatment - the application of the adhesive.» The advantage of the method of PDT and a new algorithm for total-etch.


E. Popova

«Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetskiy Krasnoyarsk state medical University»

660022, Krasnoyarsk

Taras Furtsev

Dental clinic «MediDent»


Dr. med. sci., dentist-orthopedist, implantologist dental clinic «MediDent»

660077, Krasnoyarsk


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