The payment of dental help, given in ambulatory conditions for clinical and statistical groups




The main idea of the elaboration of clinical and statistical groups (KSG) in dental practice during ambulatory appointment consists of realization of principle of grouping of diseases of oral organs and tissues, maxillofacial system on the basis of clinical, medical and statistical information, 31 KGS are formed. The most perspective payment option of medical help for medical organizations, given in ambulatory conditions in specialization «dentistry» is payment for clinical and statistical groups. The cost price ofKSG exceeds general tariff in 2-2,5 times for different KSG. The application of this option is possible only after calculations of prognostication of sizes offinancial provision of medical organizations in subject of the Russian Federation.


I. Borisenko

«Central research Institute of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery» Ministry of health of Russia

119991, Moscow

Valentina Butova

«Central research Institute of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery» Ministry of health of Russia

member-Corr. RAE, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, «Central research Institute of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery» Russia 119991, Moscow

M. Boykov

Polyclinic № 4 of Department of presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation

V. Sadovskiy

Russia Dental Association


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