Ratio of the volume of care provided at the dental diseases in the outpatient setting in the sphere of obligatory medical insurance




At the Federal level in 2013 in outpatient providers on the program of compulsory medical insurance medical care and dental diseases, installed secondary current indicators per 1000 population: - visits with the preventive purpose - 186,16; - visits to emergency form 14,55; - visit due to illness (one treatment for one disease includes two visits) - 576,33. The resolution of these aspects of the formation of the amount of medical assistance program of the state guarantees offree providing medical care for dental problems is an extremely important issue.


Valentina Butova

Central research Institute of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery of Ministry of health of Russia; polyclinic № 4 of the administration of the President of the Russian Federation

Email: Butova49@rambler.ru
119991, Moscow, Russia

M. Boykov

Central research Institute of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery of Ministry of health of Russia; polyclinic № 4 of the administration of the President of the Russian Federation

119991, Moscow, Russia


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