Features of the pathology prevention of dental system in athletes involved in power sports




The problem ofprevention ofmajor dental diseases in different population groups in the spotlight. To solve problems to improve the prevention ofpathology of the dental system in athletes conducted a medico-sociological study, aimed at determining their dental status. The survey results showed that only 35.7% of the respondents are aware of the possibility of aggravation of pathological processes in dentition with the active practice contactless power sports; 78.6 per cent of athletes are aware of the need to use sports tyres during sports, but only 7% use it consistently. Analysis of the dental status of athletes, showed that the mean value of the DMFT index was equal to 9.9 + 5,46, and CPITN index - 2 + 0,67. Non-carious lesions of teeth was observed in 60% ofpatients. On this basis it is determined that professional activities should be aimed not only at stabilizing the DMFT index and the reduction index, CPITN, but also on prevention offunctional disorders of the dentition. For the decision of tasks in view new design sports tooth tire and its manufacturing technology. The application sports of dental tires is determined by the fact that while training is provided by holding the lower jaw in the correct centric position. At the moment the load is redistributed to the increased pressure, thereby preventing the development of hypertonicity of the muscles of mastication;, using a construct does not change the diction and aesthetics of the face, so there is no barrier of communication. This can significantly stabilize the condition of the craniomandibular system in adverse conditions of operation that allows for the prevention of diseases of hard tissues of teeth, periodontal and TMJ and dramatically reduce the risk ofpathological changes in dentition.


N. Astashina

Acad. E.A. Wagner Perm state medical University Ministry of Health of Russia

614000, Perm, Russia

Ekaterina Ozhgikhina

Acad. E.A. Wagner Perm state medical University Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: ekaterina50590@mail.ru
614000, Perm, Russia


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