About the need for unification of medical documentation for accounting labor dentists




Analysis of the legal framework for the regulation of medical records for accounting labor dentists revealed major issues. Established mechanism for the formation of non-compliance accounting work of dentists in various accounting and reporting of medical records. Practice has shown to eliminate the existing shortcomings is necessary to form a common information base dental service needed for internal analysis of the dental organization and its subsidiaries.


Valentina Butova

«Central research institute of dental and maxillofacial surgery» ministry of health of Russia

Email: butova49@rambler.ru
119991, Moscow

M. Boykov

“Polyclinic № 4”

Head of the dental office

V. Sadowski

Russian Dental Association

121354, Moscow

V. Bychkov

Chuvashia “Republican dental clinic” Ministry of Health of the Chuvash Republic

428018, г. Чебоксары, Чувашская Республика


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