Restoration of disturbed speech: the efficacy removable biogenetically elements during postoperative rehabilitation patients dental profile




In this work we study the efficiency of recovery of speech function in postoperative rehabilitation patients dental profile using dentoalveolar prosthesis and similar prostheses, supplemented miogimnasticheskimi removable elements. In this paper we study the effect of the positive experience of orthopedic treatment to improve the function of speech in its clarity and speed parameters pronunciation. Clinical stages oforthopedic patients (rational prosthesis using miogimnasticheskogo element) after surgery allows the latter to feel complete, to adapt to society personalities. Competent medical tactics ofpatients using dental and facial prostheses with removable miogimnasticheskimi elements significantly improves the speech function, reduces the period of post-operative rehabilitation compared with users, dentures are not supplemented miogimnasticheskimi elements.


N. Mitin

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Academic I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University of the Federal Agency of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

390005, Ryazan, Russia

Evgeniy Ponomarev

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Academic I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University of the Federal Agency of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

390005, Ryazan, Russia

D. Mishin

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Academic I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University of the Federal Agency of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

390005, Ryazan, Russia


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