Capacity for formation of biofilm of the mushrooms of sort of candida, distinguished from the mucous membrane of cavity of mouth of patients by a myelosis




Article is sanctified to the issue of the day of the bacterial biofilms formed by the microflora of cavity of mouth, in particular by the mushrooms of sort of Candida for patients by a myelosis. As an integral metazoon, a biofilm complicates the usual chart of treatment of candidiasis of mucous membrane of cavity of mouth at this category of patients. A capacity for formation of biofilms and stability are investigational to antimycotic preparations of the mushrooms of sort of Candida, distinguished from the mucous membrane of cavity of mouth 30 patients with a myelosis. In 37% cases disparity of clinical and microbiological diagnosis is educed “candidiasis”. A subzero capacity is set for formation of biofilms the mushrooms of sort of Candida attended with their high stability to antimycotic preparations. Clinical recommendations are given taking into account the obtained laboratory data.


V. Kirillova

Samara state medical University

Department of stomatology Department of therapeutic stomatology Department of General and clinical Microbiology, immunology and Allergy 443099, Samara

T. Tkach

Samara state medical University

Department of stomatology Department of therapeutic stomatology Department of General and clinical Microbiology, immunology and Allergy 443099, Samara

A. Lyamin

Samara state medical University

Department of stomatology Department of therapeutic stomatology Department of General and clinical Microbiology, immunology and Allergy 443099, Samara

D. Trunin

Samara state medical University

Department of stomatology Department of therapeutic stomatology Department of General and clinical Microbiology, immunology and Allergy 443099, Samara

Anastasiya Serazetdinova

Samara state medical University

Department of stomatology Department of therapeutic stomatology Department of General and clinical Microbiology, immunology and Allergy 443099, Samara


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