Histopathology of alveolus dentalis floor tissues and correlations between some morphometric and clinical indices in patients with oro-antral communication




The purpose of the present clinical-morphological research was tofindfeatures ofpathological changes in bony and soft tissues of oro-anthral communication area (OAC), to determine frequency of their occurence and correlations between morphological indices and clinical data. As research material have served resected tissue fragments from 41 patients with chronic odontogenic sinusitis with OAC-presence after maxillary molar and premolar teeths removal. After the study of histological features reflecting of OAC-area tissues condition, some gradual parameters of pathological tissue changes, certain grade occurrence frequency, correlations between some morphological indices and between morphological indices and clinical data were estimated. The basic pathological changes in tissues of OAC-area are associated with unspecific productive and exudative inflammation persistence, local disturbancies of blood supply, reparative osteogenesis and alveolar bone tissue remodelling. The intensity and separate gradation occurrence frequency of these changes vary and are differently combined in certain cases. Among morphological indices the strongest correlations on association coefficient values find out pairs: "bone regenerate structure” and "osteonecroses” (positive correlation), and also - "inflammation activity” and "inflammation topography” (negative correlation). Among pairs of clinical and morphological indices the strongest and significant correlations are found between "prescription of OAC formation” - on the one hand, "regenerates structure” and "inflammation activity” - on the other hand (correlationspositive, moderate strength), and also between clinical "maxillary sinus condition assessment” and "inflammation activity” (correlation positive, close to the range of moderate strength).


V. Malanchuk

A.A. Bogomolets National medical University of Sciense and Education Ministry

03680, Kiev, Ukraine

Valery Grigorovsky

“Research Institute for Traumatology and Orthopedics NAMS of Ukraine”

Email: val_grigorov@bigmir.net
01601, Kiev, Ukraine

D. Keyan

A.A. Bogomolets National medical University of Sciense and Education Ministry

03680, Kiev, Ukraine


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