Experience with the drug grandaxinum during orthopedic rehabilitation dental patients with breach of psychological services




Fear of dental intervention has forced many patients to delay orthopaedic treatment for a long time, led to deformation of the teeth and jaws. Faced with this problem in clinic ofprosthetic dentistry, we found it necessary to consider the effectiveness of day-time tranquilizer “Grandaxinum” as a monotherapy in patients with psycho-emotional disorders and partial absence of teeth. A comparative analysis conducted in 70 patients (2 groups of 35 people) with impaired psycho-emotional sphere and partial dentition defects to be filled by non-removable dentures, we confirmed that the drug “ Grandaxinum “ helps to avoid negative impacts in dental procedures and in adaptation to orthopedic structures.


Natal’ya Lapina

Kuban state medical university

Email: prst_23@mail.ru

L. Skorikova

Kuban state medical university


K. Seferyan

Kuban state medical university


T. Starchenko

Kuban state medical university



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