Basis for regulation of the work of the doctors-stomatologists on standard units of labour input




Based on the analysis of normative-legal base and the average length of the working day dentists, scope of work of a dentist should be 36 the duty to regulate (for a five-day working week) and 29, the duty to regulate (a six-day). The position of the elaboration of 25 and 22 the duty to regulate best insurance companies, as it allows you to limit the amount of work performed payable. The situation requires further work in standardization work dentists, timing of services included in the registry of services of obligatory medical insurance.


Valentina Butova

«Central research Institute of stomatology and maxillo-facial surgery» Department of the Ministry of health of Russia; polyclinic № 4 of the administration of the President of the Russian Federation

119991, Moscow

I. Rabinovich

«Central research Institute of stomatology and maxillo-facial surgery» Department of the Ministry of health of Russia; polyclinic № 4 of the administration of the President of the Russian Federation

119991, Moscow

V. Boyko

«Central research Institute of stomatology and maxillo-facial surgery» Department of the Ministry of health of Russia; polyclinic № 4 of the administration of the President of the Russian Federation

119991, Moscow

I. Borisenko

«Central research Institute of stomatology and maxillo-facial surgery» Department of the Ministry of health of Russia; polyclinic № 4 of the administration of the President of the Russian Federation

119991, Moscow


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