Simulation model of geometric molars maxilla with different kinds restorations




The article discusses the sequence of the three-dimensional mathematical modeling of intact or pulpless molars of the upper jaw with the presence of ceramic inlays or composite restorations for the purpose offurther study of the stress-strain state of the tooth and restorative materials for functional loads.


Evgeniy Chumachenko


department of Mechanics and Mathematical Modelling, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics 123022, Moscow

E. Olesov

IAS of FMBA of Russia

department of Clinical Dentistry and Implantology 125371, Moscow

S. Bober


department of Mechanics and Mathematical Modelling, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics 123022, Moscow

R. Bersanov

IAS of FMBA of Russia

department of Clinical Dentistry and Implantology 125371, Moscow

V. Kononenko

IAS of FMBA of Russia

department of Clinical Dentistry and Implantology 125371, Moscow

D. Bronshtein

IAS of FMBA of Russia

department of Clinical Dentistry and Implantology 125371, Moscow


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