Diagnosis and treatment of patients with giant arteriovenous malformations. (Clinical case)




A case of arteriovenous malformation of the left half of the face presented illustrates the approach to diagnosis, planning and treatment of patients with giant arteriovenous malformations of head and neck region. The patient underwent clinical examination, ultrasonography and multislice computer tomography angiography. Localization and diameter of vessels that participate in the blood supply of the malformation and linear blood velocity, precise localization, quantity and topography of afferent arteries and draining veins, special features of blood supply and absence of destruction of bone structures were defined. Multistage treatment was indicated due to big size of the malformation. The first step of treatment included ligation of afferent vessels and partial resection ofmalformation. Histological examination of the postoperative specimen was performed. The patient is observed dynamically and the next step of treatment is being planned. Patients with giant arteriovenous malformations of head and neck need special approach to their management with examination using contemporary radiological diagnostic methods, particularly high resolution ultrasonography and multislice computer tomography angiography, and multistage treatment.


A. Grishin

“A.I. Evdokimov Moscow state medical dental University” Ministry of health of Russia

department of maxillofacial surgery, Department of radiodiagnostics 127473, Moscow

A. Vasilev

“A.I. Evdokimov Moscow state medical dental University” Ministry of health of Russia

department of maxillofacial surgery, Department of radiodiagnostics 127473, Moscow

Svetlana Repina

“A.I. Evdokimov Moscow state medical dental University” Ministry of health of Russia

Email: lustra@bk.ru
department of maxillofacial surgery, Department of radiodiagnostics 127473, Moscow

N. Nikiforuk

Central clinical hospital of civil aviation of Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation

E. Privalova

“A.I. Evdokimov Moscow state medical dental University” Ministry of health of Russia

department of maxillofacial surgery, Department of radiodiagnostics 127473, Moscow


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