Factors of influencing candida-associated periodontal disease development




Formation of Candida-associated periodontitis determined by the action set of local and systemic factors, including breach of oral hygiene, smoking, immunosuppression, local cytokine imbalance associated with systemic candidiasis lesions of the intestines and other parts of the digestive tract, and the urogenital system. Purpose: research of clinical and immunological features ofparodentium and a cytokine profile of oral cavity at patients with the periodontal disease associated with a Candida infection. Material and methods. The condition of parodentium tissues was studied at 94 patients with the chronic generalized periodontal disease associated with Candida spp . Results. The features and course of Candida-associated periodontitis. In periodontal lesions matter abnormalities in cellular immunity. Conclusion. Chronic periodontitis associated with Candida spp., is a marker of systemic candidiasis. Cytokine imbalance in oral fluid may serve as an additional diagnostic and prognostic criterion of severity of chronic Candida-associated periodontitis.


Larisa Ostrovskaya

Saratov State Medical University, n.a. V.I. Razumovsky

Email: nastya_ostrovska@mail.ru
410012, Saratov

G. Beybulatov

Saratov State Medical University, n.a. V.I. Razumovsky

410012, Saratov

A. Lepilin

Saratov State Medical University, n.a. V.I. Razumovsky

410012, Saratov


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