Stady of the effects of molding massas on the casting properties of palladium alloy "PALLADIUM-UNY"




Casting properties of a new domestic PALLADENT-UNI dental palladium-based alloy (Open Joint Stock Company Scientific and Industrial Complex “Supermetal” named after E.I. Rytvin) were investigated using three molding compositions, Yeti Expansion (Yeti Dental International GmbH, Germany), Presto Vest 2 (Siladent Dr .Bohme & Schops GmbH, Germany) and Silikan (Spofa Dental, Czech Republic) are among them. In addition, casting properties of PALLADENT-UNI and domestic palladium dental alloys (PALLADENT (Open Joint Stock Company Scientific and Industrial Complex “Supermetal” named after E.I.Rytvin) and VitIrii-P (Open Joint Stock Company “Vital-E”)) were comparatively studied; during the casting “Presto Vest 2” molding composition was applied. All the above mentioned palladium-based alloys are used mainlyfor the manufacture of metal-ceramic crowns and bridges. Using “Multicast Compact” casting machine (“DeguDent”, Germany) casting of the following alloy samples was carried out at 1280, 1320 and 1350°C: standard wax grid for partial dentures 10*20*0,3 mm with rectangular cells, wireframe model of a single metal-ceramic crown with a wall thickness of 0,3 mm, milled of burn-out plastic, and ash-free 20 mm long wires of 0,3, 0,2, 0,1 mm in diameter. On the basis of the research made, molding composition Presto Vest 2 was established to be optimum molding mass for casting dental structures made of PALLADENT-UNI alloy. Optimum casting temperature was found to be 1350°C, which provides high overflow (about 100%) of dental structures, minimum deadweight loss, and minimum linear mold shrinkage. Comparative evaluation of the technological properties of the new dental PALLADENT-UNI alloy and PALLADENT and VitIrii-P dental palladium alloys showed that PALLADENT-UNI alloy is not inferior to the prevalent dental alloys and has lower values of irretrievable losses.


V. Kozlov

The Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov

127473, г. Москва

Vitalii Parunov

The Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov

127473, г. Москва

O. Kozlov

The Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov

127473, г. Москва

G. Stepanova

The Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov

127473, г. Москва


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